Memory Guardians: Women's Experiences in Donetsk Region in the 20th and 21st Centuries
In this project women from Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, explain the past and present of their home region, thus amplifying the role of women in history.
Popis autorských práv
POST BELLUM / POST BELLUM-UKRAJINA. Project implemented in cooperation with POST BELLUM-UKRAINE NGO, supported by the Transition programme of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Copyright owned by POST BELLUM. For complete records of witnesses or to correct existing errors, please contact
12 pamětníků
stránka 1 / 2
Марина Демко Maryna Demko
* 1969
Тетяна Лугова Tetiana Luhova
* 1982
Олена Спрогіс Olena Sprogis
* 1978
- Předchozí stránka
- Aktuální stránka 1
- Stránka 2
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