Mgr. Tomáš Róth

* 1942

  • "Ja počas druhej svetovej vojny som bol v pivničnej miestnosti. Tam nás jeden kresťanský manželský pár, vtedy na riziko svojho života, schovával. A tam som fakticky tú druhú svetovú vojnu, alebo to obdobie odvlečenia židov do koncentračných táborov, prežil."

  • „Nikto neveril v to, že tu bude nejaký vojenský zásah. Každý veril, že tieto premeny sa stanú realitou. Každý fandil Dubčekovi a Svobodovi a Smrkovskému. Pamätám sa na týchto ľudí. Každý veril, že teda to dotiahnu, ako sa hovorí, do víťazného konca. Ja som bol v Tekovských Lužanoch, odtiaľ je moja manželka. Žili sme v Nových Zámkoch a boli sme na návšteve u svokrovcov. Oni tam ešte žili v Tekovských Lužanoch. A jedného dňa došli jednoduché ženičky. Ja som spal a budili ma: Tomi, zobuď sa, niečo sa stalo, niečo je v televízii. Vyskočil som hore a bol ten 21. august.“

  • „Tu v Nových Zámkoch bola pomerne početná židovská komunita. Môj otec, nedá sa povedať, že by bol nejako príliš pobožný, ale proste sme tie základné zákony židovstva dodržiavali. Chodili sme do synagógy, tá večera, ktorá býva šabatová, bola zakaždým a, samozrejme, zakaždým sme intenzívne oslavovali židovské sviatky. Najmä tie jesenné, ktoré sú najvýznamnejšie.“

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Nové Zámky, 06.07.2022

    délka: 01:46:57
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Príbehy 20. storočia
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

To devote oneself to family, to live in peace, to spend the rest of one‘s life without disturbance

Tomáš Róth, current photography
Tomáš Róth, current photography
zdroj: Post Bellum SK

Tomáš Róth was born on 11 August 1942 in Nitra in the family of his father Karol Róth and his mother Margita Róth, nee. Schlesinger. His mother came from Trnava, from a very poor family of the painter Jakub Schlesinger and his mother Rozalia. She had 4 siblings who lived in Israel after the war. After getting married, his mother moved to Nitra to join his father Karol. During the Second World War, Tomáš and his mother hid in the cellar, where a Christian couple in the neighborhood protected them at the risk of their own lives. They were hiding in Nitra, in the Párovce district, since 1942. Father Karol Róth was deported to a concentration camp. Despite Tomas‘s mother‘s great efforts, no information about his father‘s fate could be obtained. After the war, Tomáš‘s mother married Eduard Deutch, who became Tomáš‘s „real father“ and Tomáš addressed him as such. They moved from Nitra to Nové Zámky. Tomáš was brought up at home in the spirit of the Jewish religion, his father Eduard observed all the principles of religious life. When Tomáš was 6 years old, he began to attend the elementary school „Flengerka“. He graduated from the 11-year high school in Nové Zámky. He occasionally heard insulting remarks about his Jewish ancestry from his classmates. At home, his parents explained to him what was going on. After high school, he entered the Faculty of Education in Nitra. He graduated in Slovak, Russian and civic education. After his military service he started teaching in 1965 in the village of Semerovo near Nové Zámky. In 1977, he was offered to go to work at the trade union - then at the district trade union council within the ROH (Revolutionary Trade Union Movement). He worked there for 14 years. After 1989, Tomas started visiting relatives in Israel. After graduating from high school, his daughter immigrated to Israel, completed her university studies in teaching and raised two children there. The ROH was dissolved in 1990, and Tomáš returned to education and began teaching at the elementary school. In 1998, he was appointed principal of the Kolt Elementary School. Tomas has been retired since 2002. In retirement, he spends time at home and visits his daughter in Israel in the summer.