Ivan Adame

* 1943  †︎ 2021

  • "For Mr. Dubcek Think what you want, I always like to visit my hometown. And it always counts for me, when I meet a good friend here. Jožko, Miško, our uncles, but not such a beautiful fond memory of our Alexander Dubček. After all, he was a good man, really the only one who wanted to change history for good. He was a great political veteran, he has received many dishonest blows in his life. Let us make every gesture in his mind, for in politics he has his place of honor. No one will return his unfortunate fate to him, therefore, let us elevate his ideas and become social democrats. For this is the only way we will support his violently interrupted idea, and thus we will contribute a flower to his wreath. Let only the sun shine on this party, the real social democrats wish this. Therefore, let it grow stronger and stronger, this new Dubček's party. You will see it live a happy morning one day. " 1:00:45 - 1:01:54 For Mr. Dubček - a poem by Ivan Adame

  • "Now, I was called to Štúr’s house, that meeting, there were eight of us. I immediately got the position of the secretary there. I started explaining this case, what they did. And I say - it was hard for me. When the situation broke out, I was not worried about myself, but about the children. I have three children, capable, healthy. And to learn that they will not get into school. I was already finished with them (with the party), I was finished with them, but they tightened their grip all the time. They fired someone, they fired someone else. When they made the river, how they sifted it all. " 0:42:50 - 0:43:49 When Ivan's memories came back, he was mainly worried about the children

  • "True, we were proud of him. Well, not everyone. Imagine this, I would like to tell you - he had already died, he was over 90 years old. We belonged to the family, he was a cadre, the main cadre of the Topoľčany district. And he checked on me at home. And the first question was what I think of the entry of Allied troops. And I say - they don’t belong here! The second question, again, the juror says, the old founding member of the party, he says - how badly they did here, how much evil they did here, the Soviet troops had to come here with tanks and save us! And I say, Mr. Dubček's ideas are correct and I believe his ideas. What did Dubček want to do, what damage?! ” 0:27:57 - 0:28:45 - Memories of a review after August 1968

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    Uhrovec, 12.04.2021

    délka: 01:33:25
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I left the party twice

the witness Ivan Adam as a soldier in the basic military service
the witness Ivan Adam as a soldier in the basic military service
zdroj: archív IA

Ivan Adame was born on September 6, 1943 in Kšinná. His parents were Ondrej and Maria. He recalls from a story that German soldiers slept in their house and partisans slept in the attic. His father received an award for participating in the SNP. He trained as a lathe operator and served in the border guard in basic military service. He was interrogated and persecuted, he gave up his party candidate card. He married and had three children with his wife. They moved to Uhrovec. Due to the influence of the environment, Ivan tended to the east. He was fascinated by the thoughts of Alexander Dubček, a native of Uhrovec. In August 1968, he was again interrogated and persecuted, again rejecting the Communist Party. He was worried that the children would get into school because of it. He worked in the State Forests, in a mine in Ostrava, later in Kazakhstan. In November 1989 he was employed in Bratislava. He welcomed the change of regime. He was a founding member of the local organization of Alexander Dubček’s party - the Social Democratic Party of Slovakia in Uhrovec. Today, as a pensioner, he devotes himself to poetry.