Petr Zámečník

* 1950

  • "We were walking with a friend of mine, his name was Pavel, past our place up the hill, and there was a group of girls. We were eighteen or nineteen at the time; he was a year older. We saw the girls and knew who they were; they were local and from the area, so we walked over to them. The girls were shouting something at us and we were like, where did you come from? A gentleman we didn't know stepped out and walked over to us. He said, boys, where are you coming? We said, well we saw the girls here, we were wondering... And he says, what's your name? Petr and Pavel. He said, I can hear it like it was today even though it's been maybe 40 years: My goodness, these are the holy apostles! That's how we got to him. He was a boy scout guide and he was leading the girls. He started questioning us on the spot, asking if we'd been to the holy communion. He introduced himself and said he was the local parish priest. When he said that, we caught on to that and he caught on to us saying that we were holy apostles and hadn't been to the holy communion, and he said we would have to go through that if we wanted to. My parents weren't against it at the time, it was about '68 or '69 because I was to join the army shortly afterwards that and my friend went a little earlier. So he convinced us that we had to go for the communion but had to take some training at the rectory first."

  • "It wasn't easy. Nobody was allowed to go to the park, nobody at all. They didn't let anybody in but me as the garrison administrator. I approached their unit supervisor on the ground floor, and he said, we'll call the chief of staff or the commander. The commander said let him in, but I only climbed a few stairs and wasn't allowed to go anywhere else."

  • "They (troops from Písek) belonged to a different division and we were all the others (under České Budějovice), except for the train station; they didn't belong to us either but to Písek. There had been one unit previously there when I came to Vimperk. An auxiliary battalion was there initially."

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Zálesí, 05.08.2024

    délka: 02:35:00
  • 2

    Zálesí, 05.12.2024

    délka: 05:57
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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The Vimperk unit was of key importance for the army

Petr Zámečník with an accordion at a veteran reunion in Víska
Petr Zámečník with an accordion at a veteran reunion in Víska
zdroj: Witness's archive

Petr Zámečník was born in the village of Zálesí near Vacov on 13 August 1950. His father Josef was a trained cabinet maker and worked in the construction of farm buildings as a carpenter. He died in 1959. His mother Milada, née Kyznarová, had trained for a seamstress in Stříbro. She then worked as a seamstress in Vimperk. Petr Zámečník went to primary school in Zálesí, continuing with a twelve-year school in Vimperk. After graduation in 1968, he worked at ČZ Strakonice for a year. He enlisted in Mikulov. Having lost his father as a child, he decided to stay in the army as a professional soldier. He came to the U Sloupu barracks in Vimperk in 1970 as a second lieutenant. He experienced the years of normalisation and the transition and professionalisation of the army after 1989. In 1997 he retired to the reserve and subsequently worked at the sawmill in Němčice. He was living in Zálesí near Vacov in 2024.