Augustin Žák

* 1960

  • "I have this story, which is crazy. I served in the army in Písek, and as I said, they had forgotten about us in the selection and had us sleep in different rooms, open ones. Some five or six guys in civilian clothes always came there to sleep. That was in 1979. Sometime in 1983 or 1984, the counterintelligence officer came and said, 'We need you to join the party.' I said, 'Why do you think so?' They addressed us with first names to be informal. He said, 'Well, we know you're kind of a team leader type and you're quite popular.' I said, 'How do you know?' 'My colleagues told me back when you were in the military in 1979.' So it was counter-officers who came to sleep in the dorm and they were already noticing things like that. I told him, 'Sorry, but no. The communists arrested my dad, I'm not ready for that,' and of course I didn't join. But there was this encounter."

  • "A 'spy' always used to come along [on hockey trips to the West]. It was good on the border in that we were never checked because military and customs officers [received above-standard treatment]. We might even have smuggled an elephant and it didn't matter. But a 'spy' would accompany us, and every time we came back from a tour, the counterintelligence would come to Dukla. We all had to go see him and he asked: 'How have you been? Who did you talk to?' We knew Vojta Pavliček who owned a pharmacy in Kreuzlingen, so we always mentioned him and some other two guys who had emigrated: 'Yeah, we talked to them there,' they wrote it down and we said this every year. We had actually talked to 50 people, right? And that 'spy' - there was always a gentleman who just showed up. He was a nice gentleman sometimes; sometimes he would really keep an eye on us all the time, but that was it. The officers always came, wrote it down, we always mentioned three or four people, and that was the end of it."

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    Jihlava, 24.09.2024

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I hated practicing but playing ice hockey was like a drug to me

In military uniform
In military uniform
zdroj: Witness's archive

Ice hockey player and manager Augustin Žák was born in Ledeč nad Sázavou on 27 November 1960. He grew in Světlá nad Sázavou in the family of innkeeper Gustav Žák and his wife Lidmila, née Bašová. From age ten, he played ice hockey in Havlíčkův Brod, completing his secondary education with a school-leaving exam in an agricultural vocational school. Having graduated, he embarked on a professional ice hockey career, initially as a serviceman in Dukla Písek. This is where he unknowingly encountered military counter-intelligence officers for the first time and was kept on record as a confidant from 1979. He signed a contract with Dukla Jihlava in 1981 and witnessed the team‘s spectacular achievements, including taking in the Spengler Cup. He left Dukla in 1988 for Ostrava Vítkovice. After the fall of the communist regime, he worked in Finland‘s 2nd league team, IFK Lepplax, for two seasons and then briefly in Augsburg. He then returned to Havlíčkův Brod as a team manager, and also managed Dukla Jihlava.