Karel Zach

* 1963

  • "At the beginning I had the idea that I would rent the club to someone and do something else. It turned out that I've been doing it for 30 years. It just came that way. I got into music production. When I found out that the idols that I used to go to in Prague in the second half of the 80s I could suddenly approach and they would come and play in my pub - that was a big moment. When Laura and her Tigers came, she was a big legend for me, the same with Radim Hladik and Blue Effect, Zuzana Navarová. For me it was amazing to meet these people I looked up to and be an equal partner to them. We had Filip Topol with Psí Vojáci, Vera Bílá with Kale, a lot of big names like that came to us and still do. And I'm grateful to them because it takes the ordinary pub life a bit further, it's a social event. And I also don't feel like I'm just a pub owner and a bartender, but I feel like I'm contributing something to the life in Pilsen."

  • "Our first foreign band was Tiger Lillies, a famous English band. They appeared in Pilsen in Kopeckého sady, I heard them there, I heard the fistula of the singer. I asked them if they'd play in our pub, and they said yeah. They're a band that's selling out the Akropolis in Prague today, they're an established famous band in London. They played in our pub one evening and people came. The buzz worked so it was amazing ."

  • "I was fixated on my mother, and that brought troubles because she would go to the theatre in the evenings. I missed her. I went to my first show with my mom when I was five or six. I could go to operettas like The Little Brother of Batavia, I finished early. I used to sit in the orchestra pit or in the first annex at the Chamber Theatre, where operettas were usually performed. Mamzelle Nitouche and Pedro the Fox, I saw all these operettas ten, fifteen times."

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Plzeň, 30.08.2024

    délka: 01:45:16
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy regionu - PLZ REG ED
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I hope I bring something to Pilsen

Karel Zach in 2024
Karel Zach in 2024
zdroj: Pilsen studio

Karel Zach was born on 13 May 1963 in Pilsen. His father Karel was an economic deputy in the Stavba production cooperative, his mother Marie (née Kadlecová) a harpist in the orchestra of the J. K. Tyl Theatre and the Pilsen Radio. Jan Kadlec, the grandfather, was a successful entrepreneur, he had a wholesale confectionery business and owned several tenement houses. His grandfather Karel Zach was a legionary on the Italian front, later a commander of the gendarmes in Uzhhorod and then in Přeštice near Pilsen. After the communist coup, his grandfather Jan Kadlec lost his property, his grandfather Karel Zach was deposed, and his father Karel Zach was expelled from the Prague Law School, where he had only one semester left to complete. As a young child, he went with his mother to performances at the Chamber Theatre, where she performed, and he saw operettas from her repertoire many times. He had played ping-pong competitively since childhood. He graduated from the Construction Industry School and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University, majoring in economics and construction management. He was not interested in technology, and he believes that he was not interested in it either; in Prague he was more interested in culture than in studying. In Pilsen he was a frequent guest of the student club Studna, he also organised unofficial discos there. Twice he tried unsuccessfully to get into production at FAMU. He spent a year of military service in Rajhrad near Brno, and was threatened with imprisonment for leaving the garrison. A doctor saved him by sending him to a Brno mental hospital for a month. He worked at the district construction company, the Horšovský Týn monuments centre, and later at the Office of the Chief Architect of the City of Pilsen, where he lived through November 1989. In 1990, Karel Zach and his sister Helena, five years older than him, restituted four tenement houses left by their grandfather Kadlec on T. G. Masaryk Square and Palacký Square in Plzeň. Since 1995 Karel Zach has been running an Irish pub and music club Zach‘s pub in the building on Palackého náměstí.