Vlastimil Talášek

* 1951

  • "They moved us into an apartment where... it was actually a kulak's house and he had an apartment built for his son. And so as we moved in, the son had to move out to the ground floor, so the cohabitation there wasn't very good. But I guess it was on purpose that the kulaks... I mean, the kulaks? He had a farm and he was a butcher, the landlord. But by the time we moved in, all the alterations to the flat were finished. I remember there was a beautiful bathroom with a flush toilet. But there was no plumbing at all. I remember as a kid we used to go to the municipal pump for water, which was about 150 or 200 metres away from the flat. We used to bring water in buckets for cooking and basically for everything, including flushing the toilet. Instead of bathing in that bathroom, we bathed in tin baskets."

  • "Actually, from the Tři Duby airport, I think in December 44, he was providing some things for radio communication, for a radio station, and in one village, at that time probably by the Guards, he was betrayed and arrested and imprisoned in Banská Bystrica, and later in Altenburg near Gera. Fortunately, he survived, but it must have been quite difficult. He lived to see the liberation, because they were treated as partisans and basically were to be executed. Fortunately, that didn't happen. He lived to see the liberation on April 15, 1945 by the Soviet army. As a liaison officer, he was then responsible for the treatment of the prisoners, there were also many Slovaks, and for reading out the list of prisoners on the radio, so that it could be made known to the family members that they were alive."

  • "Maybe the reason I'm here is that it didn't happen, because those paratroopers went to certain death, but it was probably because the command knew at the time that brother Vladimir had already been executed and the other brother Jaroslav was in a German prison. So for the reason that Colonel Moravec was there at the time and the immediate superior, now General Paleček, knew about it, they withdrew from the assignment to the airborne unit."

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    Ve Vrchlabí, 20.11.2024

    délka: 02:06:38
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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    Ve Vrchlabí, 29.01.2025

    délka: 45:49
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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I‘m sorry that neither my mother nor my father lived to see November 1989.

Vlastimil Talášek in 1975
Vlastimil Talášek in 1975
zdroj: archive of a witness

Vlastimil Talášek was born on 18 October 1951 in Česká Lípa. His father‘s family came from Olomouc and it is interesting that out of eleven siblings, three, including his father, became soldiers by profession and all three joined the resistance group Obrana Národa (Defence of the Nation) during the Second World War. Uncle Vladimír was arrested at the beginning of the Protectorate and executed for resistance activities in 1942. Uncle Jaroslav, although also sentenced to death, managed to live to see the end of the war, but in the 1950s was sentenced to several years in prison by the regime. The witness‘s father, Oldřich, went by the so-called Balkan route to France, where he joined a forming unit of the Czechoslovak foreign army. After the defeat of France, he reached Great Britain and eventually flew to the USSR to take part in the Carpatho-Dukla operation. After its end, he stayed in Slovakia and fought in the Slovak National Uprising. After the war, with the onset of the communist regime, he was discharged from the army and was forced to work in manual jobs for the rest of his life. Her mother Vlasta Talášková was also persecuted by the regime: although she spoke two world languages and spent the pre-war and war years in France, the USA and Great Britain, she was only allowed to wash dishes in a hotel. Vlastimil was apprenticed and finished his industrial school at night. Most of his professional life he worked in communications or in a computer centre. At the time of filming, in 2024, he lived in Vrchlabí.