Ing. František Morávek

* 1942

Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

My mom always used to reassure me that we were going to see my dad‘s grave

František Morávek in 1967
František Morávek in 1967
zdroj: archive of a witness

František Morávek was born on May 24, 1942 in Pardubice and grew up with his family in a gamekeeper´s cabin in Jaroslav, where his grandfather worked as a gamekeeper. His father was a soldier and in 1939 he was transferred to the government army. In 1944, he was sent to Italy to fight the partisans, but switched sides and made his way to England via Switzerland and France, where he became a sergeant. He took part in the fighting at Dunkirk, where he died in April 1945. František Morávek had trouble getting to school because of his father‘s participation in the fighting on the Western Front. He eventually managed to graduate from forestry high school and college and worked in various positions in the industry throughout his life. During the Velvet Revolution, he was active in the Civic Forum and also worked in the Coordination Center. After the fall of the communists, he worked extensively in forestry policy, including for a time as Director of the Forestry Department at the Ministry. As an adult, he went to France to visit his father‘s grave. In 2024 he lived near Havlíčkův Brod.