I wanted to be a slave to the people

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Alois Kubík was born in Služovice in the Hlučín region on 14 February 1925. His father Alois came from the Haná region and worked as the head teacher in Služovice. His mother Amálie, née Šnajdrová, was also a teacher from Opava and of half German (after her father). Alois Kubík grew up in the school where the family lived in the teacher‘s apartment. He witnessed life in the countryside during the First Republic. When he was 10 years old, the family moved to Loděnice near Opava and he commuted to the Opava grammar school. After Munich 1938 and the Nazi occupation of the Opava area, the Kubíks moved inland. They settled in Lipník nad Bečvou where they experienced the occupation and the end of the war. While studying medicine, Alois Kubík contracted tuberculosis and nearly died. From 1952 on, he worked as a doctor in the Jeseník spa, becoming a recognized expert on the healing methods and legacy of Vincenz Priessnitz. He was living in Jeseník at the time of the filming in 2024.