Today‘s society lacks freedom combined with responsibility

Stáhnout obrázek
František Kopecký was born in Hatě near Příbram on 27 October 1947. His father was a prominent farmer and was forced to join a farming cooperative (JZD) during the collectivisation. František wanted to be a bricklayer but was not admitted to an apprenticeship due to his cadre profile. His father fought back and, ironically, František was eventually admitted to high school and later to the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague. He and his wife had five children and became involved in a community of Christian families in Father Josef Mixa‘s parish of St. John of Nepomuk Church in Prague‘s Lesser Town. After graduation, František began teaching at grammar schools in Prague. He worked at a telecommunications high school, Lenin Grammar School, Nad Štolou Grammar School, and Nad Alejí Grammar School. In 1990 he became the headmaster of the Jan Neruda Grammar School in Prague, which he led for almost 20 years. During his tenure, he organised the refurbishment of the building in Hellichova Street and helped to found the current Gymnasium and Music School of the Capital City of Prague and others.