Zdeněk Dymák

* 1923

  • "I came home from work, terrified all over: 'Imagine, a Russian wanted to shoot me!' So I went and he was already gone. So the other one came here, the one who came to us, that this happened, so he picked himself up, he went, they had, as the Salesians are here, they had a staff there. They came and found out who they were. So they brought them in, slapped them and chased them away."

  • "Some guy called Komarek lived on the third floor, he was a painter, a so-called painter, he painted whatever he wanted, a duck, like in the movie, there's a duck by the smoke from the locomotive, stupid stuff like that. And he also painted Hitler, imagine that, I don't know what he was thinking. And the idiot put it in the barber's shop and the very next day the Gestapo came, took him away, he was lucky they didn't send him to Terezín. "Disgracing the president, disgracing Hitler!"

  • "It was in May, yes, the Germans were already slowly leaving and they were leaving when they handed over power at Oberlandrat, they handed over power. So they were going with a belt tractor from Zelená brána towards like the station, and a procession of our legionnaires was going towards them with a flag and I don't know what all, with some banners, and they met, and I remember like today, within twenty meters of me. The one with the belt tractor turned the steering wheel like that on the leader, who was a Legionnaire, and literally ran him over his body with his front wheel. I can see it like today, how twisted he was lying there. He even survived, I read it once, he lived a few more months, yeah, but then he was on to those internal injuries. So like that, and what's more, when people started punching like that, like Wurst's butcher shop, they all fired, machine guns shot through the whole floor."

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    Pardubice, 03.06.2019

    délka: 01:08:42
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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Both the Nazis and the Communists managed to subjugate human beings

Zdeněk Dymák in 2019
Zdeněk Dymák in 2019
zdroj: Elementary school Staňkova, Pardubice

Zdeněk Dymák was born on 29 July 1923 in Humpolec. The family soon moved to Chrudim and then to Pardubice, where he spent a happy childhood. Here he also graduated from the secondary industrial school and then joined the Wiesner company as an engineer. His younger sister died at the age of fifteen. He remembers the end of the war in Pardubice. His mother never accepted the communist coup and became mentally ill. The witness took care of her until her death.