Alžběta Blahutová

* 1942

  • „My sister wanted to get married as she was having a baby with a Polish soldier. Her birth certificate was at the Javorník registry office. Daddy made arrangements and a fifteen year-old brother went to her to bring necessary documents. She was feeling sad so kept him there for three weeks. Sadly the Polish came and he could not return back. He lived there for some time after that and then the Polish displaced him to Germany. It was all possible during Hitler´s period, so my sister got married to a deceased soldier near a photograph wearing a black dress.“

  • „We were also supposed to get displaced. My dad was an apprenticeship cutler and made handles and knobs of real antlers for hunters. Three times the displacement commissioner came to us to get ready and march in a week or so to Germany. The date was approaching and we were waiting for someone to come as there was no car in Růženec. People were first transported to collection camp in Mikulovice. Suddenly they came and ordered us to unpack our stuff, as we were not going anywhere. The forestry made rebuked for our father and saw that we were quite small children. Mummy had health issues with her eyes, which I later inherited.“

  • „I finished elementary school and could not go anywhere further as I only had four grades. At the fifth grade I made exams. It is noted in a village chronicle as I was the best in the whole school. On top of it all, I could not speak a word in Czech when I began. When I needed to go to toilette during lessons, I had to raise my hand and point towards the door as deaf-mute. I was also bullied and called names like little Hitler and other stuff. I never minded that much and actually got acquainted very soon.“

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At the end of world

Alžběta Blahutová
Alžběta Blahutová
zdroj: archiv pamětnice

Alžběta Blahutová, née Fischerová, was born on 17 March, 1940 in a village Růženec (German Rosenkranz). In this village in the middle of Rychlebské mountains she spent her childhood. Same as all inhabitants of Růženec also her parents were of German nationality. After war they were not displaced and finally they were the last inhabitants of Růženec. After their departure in 1949 Czechoslovak army bulldozers crushed seven houses and a chapel of St. Antonín Paduánský. Only a local lodge remained. For several years the family lived in a faraway lodge in today‘s preserve Jedlovec, before they moved to Bílá Voda in the middle of 1950s. Alžběta Blahutová has been living there until today.