sr. Inocentia Radvanová

* 1930

  • "They did not tell us, why are they searching us. They did not tell us anything. Then, after time came two buses. But they gave us impression that they take us somewhere, but did not tell us where. We were so determined, that we didn't care. When Siberia then Siberia. Seriously, I do not know, but I think we were all just too ... too ... For when we received the cross, with humbleness and we found joy in that cross. It was difficult, but with God's help we quite easily tolerated anything. All these ferries, and all of these uncertainties, we did not know where we go, where are they taking us and what will be with us. So that completely but not quite completely, but relatively easy to have it all, what I saw, all, we took it as almost a joke and we laughed quite well. We have heard rumors that we are going to Siberia, and that we are to be exported, if do not want to undress and so on. One nice night two buses came and loaded us."

  • "Persevere, persevere at all costs, we must remember God will give reward. In life there are moments of awkward and alluring, rose bloom in summer but also in winter, in summer is hot but in winter is bitter in the dining room with others. In queue we prepare our tickets, on Friday we choose the second option for lunch. Trays we take from the girls in the dining room with a rhinestone heart we sit at the table. That we lived up to with old bones, he wants us to learn a lot, mister from police. Sisters strip your religious clothes, you can not walk in them in factory with a machine. We know all of the machines by name, we know how many are their species. Shifts are different, different is their work, night shifts make it difficult thing after all. For three consecutive weeks eats differently, the digestive system works lazily. Many can not stand for poor health, therefore completely one shift goes bankrupt. They gave us the machines, fifteen meters long,"

  • "We were determined to persevere at all costs. So even they startle us at the orthopedic, the nurses, that they will take us to Siberia when we do not leave the consecrated life. And they persuade us the head of the clinic himself, Dr. Červeňanský, professor. And every sister personally called and even begged: "Stay sisters, patients, we will be able to provide for them. Everything you dare i will allow, just be here for those patients." We said that if they do not want us in religious robes, that we will not strip them, and that we will just go where they command us. It was worthy of wooing, but we have to overcome with God's help. I think that no sister went away. Firstly, they took our superiors. We stayed there just by ourselves, ordinary sisters. They thought that our superiors are holding us. And when they saw that it is not so, then they said, "When you can not change their mind, leave them be.""

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    Bratislava, 04.10.2010

    délka: 01:00:56
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Witnesses of the Faith
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Persevere at all costs.

Inocentia  Radvanová
Inocentia Radvanová
zdroj: archív Kongregácie sestier Najsvätejšieho Spasiteľa

Sr. Inocencia Radvanová was born in Hvozdnice, district Bytča. She was admitted to the  religious congregation of Most Holy Redeemer in 1945 in Pruske. 50‘ found her in Bratislava, orthopedic clinic. Since on 29. 8. 1950 only sisters working in education were moved out of monasteries, she remained working in hospital, where she felt pressure to leave the reliogious congregation. When the pressure or pleases did not help, sister Inocente was, after initial training nurses at the clinic, forcibly taken away to the factory for combing wool. She was working there until 1958. She continued her education. After the leaving the factory the sisters have been assigned Social Care Institute for Mentally Ill Youth. Here she worked until 1981. In this year s. Inocente goes to work in Adamovské Kochanovce, but not as a nurse but a sanitary nurse. She continues her job until her retirement in 1992. She spends her pension activelly in the community service to which she is assigned.