Not professionalism, but the party’s membership decided on people’s fates

Stáhnout obrázek
Anton Gajdošík was born on July 23, 1933 and comes from a village Horný Moštenec. Yet in his young age he became a witness of local events of the Slovak National Uprising in Povazšká Bystrica and its surroundings. His parents Valent Gajdošík and Katarína, née Galomišová, were farmers and owned 10 ha (25 acres) of land. In times of the communist takeover and growing pressure of collectivization, his father refused to enter the JRD (Joint Agricultural Cooperative). Due to this fact he was imprisoned for not meeting the compulsory delivery quotas, so-called contingents. Based on these circumstances and negative cadre evaluation, in years 1953 - 1955 Anton Gajdošík underwent the penal military service in units of the PTP (Auxiliary Technical Battalions). He served it in Petřvald, working hard in Mine of Július Fučík. As it was dangerous work, he had suffered from several injuries. After the release he got employed as a worker in JRD Horný Moštenec, where he stayed until his retirement in 1991. In 1959 he got married to Jozefína Kudlová and together they had four daughters. Nowadays he lives retired in Horný Moštenec.