Sarajevo dressed well, painted itself well and looks great
Stáhnout obrázek
Ivana Pauerova Milošević was born Ivana Milošević on 10 June 1976 in Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia. The Miloševićs had relatives in Rijeka or Sibenik, so they spent a lot of time in what is now Croatia. Father Miloš, born in 1930, was a double bass player in a radio and television orchestra and worked as a civil engineer. Mother Miriana Alfir, born 1945, worked as a chemist in a research institute on the outskirts of Sarajevo. Both parents died in 2002. Grandfather Dmitrij Milošević was a lawyer and also worked as a government adviser. The family inherited from him a large house with five flats in which the extended family lived and in which Ivana also lived through the war. Her maternal grandmother was then working in the archives at Sarajevo City Hall, which was one of the first buildings bombed in Sarajevo. She did not know her mother‘s father, who died before she was born and worked as a civil engineer. During the war, she graduated from a grammar school and at the same time from a secondary music school. She spent a lot of time with her friends in the basement of their house, where her father built the legendary music rehearsal room Prostoria. It became a safe place for her generation to survive the war. Shortly before the end of the war, she fled with a friend to Croatia and then to her relatives in Munich. From there, thanks to a scholarship, she got into Charles University, later graduated from FAMU and became a documentary film director. She stayed in Prague, where she also started a family. She was working as a director and dramaturge of documentary films and series at the time of the recording of 2024.