Zdeňka Nová

* 1951

  • "At that time, I attended the Secondary Economy School in Resslova St. And, I and a friend decided to go and attend the funeral. So we went from Resslova to Rytířská street. When we saw that, well, it was not possible to get in Carolinum [the ceremonial building of the Charles University]. It was not possible to get [there]. The police guarded even as far as Můstek, the whole Rytířská street was full of cops... secret police. And we went on and on but it was not possible to get there. Then we felt such a gloom, not a dread or fear or worry or such, it was depressing, awfully funereal. We wanted to cry. And Alena tells me, that friend who was there with me, she says: 'Zdena, let's get out of here, I'm awfully scared.' I told her, 'So am I.'"

  • „Pozor, ale matka byla v KSČ. Ale hned po válce. V pětačtyřicátém šli do strany, táta taky – oba dva. Jenomže otec po popravě Milady Horákové položil komunistickou knížku. Vrátil ji s tím, že nebude podporovat stranu, která popravuje ženské.“ "But my mother was in the Communist Party. She joined it just after the war. In 1945, both joined the Party, her and my, father, both of them. But after the execution of Milada Horáková, my father left. He returned the Party ID booklet saying that he is not going to support a party that executes women."

  • "In the times of my youth, the celebration was a major event for the whole village. We dressed in folk costumes of young countrywomen, later on as adult country women. Usually, the May Celebration happened in the mornings or all day long. In the morning, playing music to the neighbours, in the afternoon, the brides were brought to a promenade. There was a maypole at every house and young men would carry maypoles to those houses and tie them to fences or ... to the ground. And at the time when I had my maypole, between 1966 and 1970, there were up to hundred and five brides in Zeleneč! Nowadays, there's not even one. And in the evening, there was a may dance in the U Lva [At Lion's] pub. It ended at midnight because the May Celebration was on Sundays - on Monday, one had to go to work."

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    Zeleneč, 11.11.2019

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Zdeňka Nová
Zdeňka Nová
zdroj: žákovský tým PNS

Zdeňka Nová, rozená Dvořáková, přišla na svět 30. června 1951 v Praze. Celý život žije v Zelenči, kde také prožívala srpnovou okupaci v roce 1968 a Sametovou revoluci v roce 1989. Na vysněnou pedagogickou školu se nedostala, a tak vystudovala střední ekonomickou školu v Praze. V lednu 1969 se s kamarádkou rozhodla zúčastnit pohřbu Jana Palacha a vybavuje si tísnivou atmosféru v davu. Od roku 1977 pracovala v zelenečské mateřské školce, doplnila si pedagogické vzdělání a později uspěla v konkursu na místo ředitelky školy. Zdeňka Nová, née Dvořáková, was born on the 30th June of 1951 in Prague. For all her life, she has been living in Zeleneč where she witnessed the Soviet occupation in 1968 and the Velvet Revolution in 1989. She did not get to /////école normale so she went to study at secondary econ. school. In January 1969, she and her friend decided to attend the burial of Jan Palach and she recalls the /// atmosphere in the crowd. From 1977 on, she worked in the kindergarten in Zeleneč, got //// education and---