Jozef Kubaško

* 1954

  • "Then, as he was wounded, they transported him with one more injury, because they were clearing the obstacles that the Germans had piled trees on the road to make the advance of the Soviet army impossible. While pulling away one of the top of the tree, a planted mine exploded, my apa was wounded, two fingers were torn off on his right hand, and he still had shrapnel in half of his body, until he died. So, over time, his health deteriorated, he could no longer perform the mining profession. Then he worked as a security guard at the Jelšava Magnesite Works, and as his health deteriorated, he remained on a full disability pension."

  • „The vegetables that our buyers, who we had in Veľké Úľany, they bought for our needs in our district, which were imported and that foreign fruit, lemons, either came by truck from Turkey or then by train set in those interfrigo wagons that were air-conditioned, so that it doesn't freeze, maybe the bananas. Oranges, for example, sometimes came by plane from Cuba, the Cuban ones, and we took them from České Budějovice by car in the winter in January, we moved to Strakonice, there we loaded other goods, and we could only start from there at 1:00 p.m., because in the morning it was still -27 degrees Celsius.“

  • „There was Mr. Černák, who was a lodger at the Trangoška cottage in the Low Tatras and hid there a married Jewish couple from Muráň, Mr. Engel and his wife. They were dressed in Hron costumes so that the Germans would not recognize them and he hid them there. They also survived the war and for a long time afterwards, I remember them when they still lived in Murán. One son Ervin went to Israel and their daughter Eržika went to Switzerland.“

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Revúca, 19.04.2023

    délka: 01:55:17
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of the 20th century
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

If our father had been healthy, we might not have appreciated the things that we have and that our parents provided for us

Witness Jozef Kubaško, 2023
Witness Jozef Kubaško, 2023
zdroj: Photo by Dominik Janovský

Jozef Kubaško was born on November 30, 1954 in Murán to Július and Margita. He had four siblings. The witnesses father was a baker and later a miner. At the age of 33, he joined the Slovak National Uprising. At first he worked as a quartermaster, later he defended the entrances to the Železník mines. However, while clearing fallen trees, which the Germans wanted to use to prevent the advance of the Soviet army, he suffered an accident – he was injured by a planted mine. The injury accompanied Jozef‘s father permanently, later he remained on a disability pension and thus the seven-member family had to be modest. Jozef started elementary school in 1960, he continued his studies in Brezno at the vocational school for Mostáreň Brezno. Within it, they produced, for example, MB 80 cranes, which were also used to build Petržalka, the so-called modern city. He worked in sawmills, textile factories, the Consumer Union, but also as a maintenance worker or miner. He and his wife Zuzana have two sons. In his native village, he also revived the local play – Muránská šlka, of which he was the director for twenty years.