Štefan Dušan Ivan

* 1943

  • "I liked people. I like them too. When I retired, I worked for 18 years in the Union of Pensioners, in a basic organization. As vice president of the district organization, it was to pay for Mr. God. And it was because I really he liked those people. And my motto is: People, come to your senses!"

  • "They should have solved it in a different way and not like this. You know, in the first days of November I was in Bratislava at the Institute of the Ministry of the Interior. It was also a center for further training of officials of the National Committees. I experienced the first days of the revolution in Bratislava. I felt the atmosphere. A lot There were things that I really agreed with, even though I was still a member of KSS. Even here in Revúca, it's not a big city you knew about each person's background and even their thinking. And when I saw some of them on the podium, I was sick of it. When it was a party official who drove me for being a demonstrative campaigner he didn't do it right and suddenly I see him in the stands."

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    Revúčka, 21.04.2023

    délka: 01:56:12
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of the 20th century
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The first post-revolutionary mayor of Revúca

Witness Štefan Dušan Ivan monument during the eyd recording in 2023.
Witness Štefan Dušan Ivan monument during the eyd recording in 2023.
zdroj: Photo by Dominik Janovský

Štefan Dušan Ivan was born on May 10, 1943. The family survived the war in Revúca. In 1949, Štefan entered the Primary School in Revúca. He continued his studies at an eleven-year school and after finishing it he studied additional studies in geodesy in Košice. After his graduation, in 1962, he joined the mandatory military service. He received a call-up order to Frenštát pod Radhoštěm. From there he was transferred to Martin, where he met his wife Otília. In 1965, his father died, and subsequently he and Otília moved to Revúca. He started working at the center of geodesy. He got an apartment and a year later his son was born. In 1970, he started working at the Municipal National Committee in the construction department. He got an apartment on Okružná Street in Revúca, where he still lives today. He joined the Communist Party of Slovakia in 1980. After the revolution, he was approached to run for mayor of Revúca. He won the first freedom elections in 1990 and became the mayor of the city. He ran for the KSS. He served one term as mayor. Subsequently, he was offered the position of head of the Municipal Office in Revúca. He worked there until 2000, when he retired. At the time of documentation, he lives in Revúca as a pensioner.