Jana Fischerová

* 1941

  • “Yeah, one more thing... we wanted to move out... not me, my husband wanted to. So, I said: 'Look, if you do everything yourself, I won't be against...' But I didn't want to. Even though I was on vacation, so... home was home... I wasn't up to it. Of course, they didn't let us go. I still have a paper signed by Biľak at home, that as a working class, that they will not let us go, that we are in demand, and similar things. My husband was always being pushed there, he had work to talk himself out of it... what are you supposed to tell them... and here in the chemical plant, he was working in the chemical plant, and he said: 'I'm not mentally ready for this yet', well he just had to make an excuse... but he never was. I wasn't either, I wouldn't go at all. I know how many times at work [colleagues] said: 'I would go for the sake of the children.' I wouldn't even go for the sake of the children... just so they could go to university somewhere...?"

  • "I remember exactly, we went from Matičná to the trolleybus station... it wasn't a trolleybus... a bus or a tram... to Krásné Březno, there was a confectionery shop there. There was a station, my husband and I were together and we went around the corner and an acquaintance of my husband lived there. And some grandmother and grandfather were looking out the window, they were such drunkards... and they said: 'There are Russians here...' And I told my husband that they were drunk like that already in the morning. And it was true. Well, the tram wasn't coming, so we walked to Ústí, there I met the tanks at the station, they were passing by, so we went to work... and my mother walked around Ústí, looking for all kinds of leaflets. Yes, and at that time, when the Russians arrived, my husband's cousin from Leština was with us... he is also in Germany, he used to visit us, he enjoyed it, he was a child at the time and wanted to see it all... on a scooter ... and he rode that scooter somewhere near Prague and said: 'Only soldiers, tanks, cars...', and so we went to Ústí together. And when the Communist party used to be there opposite Bohemka... there was a chaos there... a lot of people, shouting on the promenade, there were also people standing by the hotel. Some Russian was there and he calmed it down, so it didn't get so bad."

  • "Dad came back from imprisonment in 1947 and I started going to school in 1947 in September and in 1948 in May we were deported. To the Hřebečná near Jáchymov. Well, according to what I read about it... supposedly for reasons of job protection, I don't understand it. Probably because he was a German soldier. My mother was Czech... well, when they took us away, I remember... tears will come... that we drove the car with the furniture to Ústí to the railway station and settled in Svádov, where my grandfather had a gardening business... I don't want talk about it... I won't.'

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Ústí nad Labem, 26.05.2022

    délka: 01:13:32
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy regionu - Ústecký kraj
  • 2

    Ústí nad Labem, 20.09.2022

    délka: 12:35
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy regionu - Ústecký kraj
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

When they forced them to go into the mountains, they were given half a wagon for their belongings

Jana Fischerová, Hřebečná, 1951
Jana Fischerová, Hřebečná, 1951
zdroj: archive of the witness

Jana Fischerová was born on December 19, 1941 as the only child in a mixed Bart family. Marie‘s mother was Czech, her father Eugen was Austrian. During the war, the father served as a soldier of the Wehrmacht in Germany and was also imprisoned there. After the end of the Second World War, when he was released from captivity, he did not hurry to join his family in Bohemia. He stayed in Germany and worked in a shipyard. He did not return to Ústí nad Labem until 1947. Because of his German origins, the regime at the time moved him and his entire family to the village of Hřebečná in the western part of the Krušné hory. He was very manual and technically skilled, so he worked in the Jáchymov mines in the workshops. The family was allowed to return to Ústí nad Labem only in 1954. Work in the uranium mines affected the father‘s health, he died a year after the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops. Jana Fischerová trained to be a men‘s tailor, got married at the age of nineteen and raised four children with her husband. In 2022, the witness lived in Ústí nad Labem.