Manfréd Fabián

* 1934

  • "My mom always wanted me to go to some kind of apprenticeship. Even then you needed a paper from the municipal office if you wanted to go somewhere. And the secretary said to my mother, 'Your kids can't even learn to be a bricklayer.' I remember that. I still remember it. So I stayed at home."

  • "It was probably an order from the army that we had to leave home. It was terrible. We called it Stalin's organ. So the katyusha... the way it flew... it was always whistling. Also at night. And they took it place by place. Everything in our village was burned down. There wasn’t a single house that wasn’t damaged. There wasn’t a single barn that wasn’t burned. Everything was destroyed."

  • "We received a paper telling us to get ready and a date would be announced when a car would come and take us to Opava. In Opava at the eastern station, there, as there is a loading area, there were wagons ready for removal." - "And how did you prepare for that?" - "It was cruel. I don't remember that because... The suitcase... I can't imagine it today. Because seven kids. I'm the oldest. The youngest a few months, and now you're going into the unknown. How will you be greeted there? What will you do there?" - "Were you prepared for this at home? Have you prepared any things?" - "We had our suitcases and they were ready. Seven families had already left before us and now the next transport was going to go. Seven families from Oldrišov who had already left. They were displaced in Germany. I remember that. Then there was an order, whoever wanted to go, could go. Mr. Urbanský from the municipal office came to tell us. That it was discussed in the council of the national committee. Even though we already had the papers that we were going on the removal, that if we didn't want to go, we didn't have to go. Whoever wants to, can stay."

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Ostrava, 26.11.2024

    délka: 02:22:45
  • 2

    Ostrava, 02.12.2024

    délka: 02:06:25
  • 3

    Oldřišov, 04.12.2024

    délka: 01:14:03
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

We found dad dead, but it wasn‘t dad. My mother had hoped all her life

Manfred Fabian, approximately mid-1950s
Manfred Fabian, approximately mid-1950s
zdroj: archive of Manfred Fabian

Manfréd Fabián was born on 25 May 1934 in Oldřišov in the Hlučín region as the eldest of seven children of a farmer Jiří Fabián. His mother Alma, née Kubná, married into Oldřišov from the village of Kozmice, where her parents owned a farm and a tavern. After the Czechoslovak mobilization in 1938, Manfréd Fabián experienced the evacuation of women and children to the Baltic Sea in northern Germany. During the war, he witnessed the bombing of Upper Silesia and watched the air battle. In January 1945, his father had to enlist in the Wehrmacht and took part in the fighting during the Ostrava-Opava operation at Hrabyně, where he was apparently killed. Manfred Fabian witnessed the exhumation of his father‘s presumed remains. In 1949, he began his studies at the Christian school in Bruntál, which was closed shortly afterwards. In 1953, the Fabiáns were forced to join a unified agricultural cooperative (JZD). Manfréd Fabián worked at the IPS until his retirement. At the time of filming, in 2024, he lived in Oldřišov.