Zlata Erbanová

* 1944

  • "The Vltava River would freeze up, and just imagine: at that time, my dad and I grabbed our skates on Sunday afternoons in the winter and skated all the way to Braník. That was lovely, that was really beautiful. Also, cars weren't parked in the streets like they are now, so when we did our homework and all that, we played dodgeball in the street. We could play with the ball."

  • "We lived in Gorazdova Street and future president Havel lived close by, almost next door just around the corner on the embakment. He read lectures in a pub in Gorazdova Street about how things should be. That was fantastic; it was always packed and I don't know how they did it but the police never raided the place or anything, and he just lectured there. That was lovely."

  • "I still had a mother and a father who used to be a lawyer and then had to work as a labourer after the war because he allegedly was an exploiter. When one lady in our house found out, seeing him going to the factory one morning, she said, 'If you're an exploiter, I'll go crazy'. See, he was a decent lawyer and helped people who didn't have money with anything they needed legally."

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    Praha, 25.03.2024

    délka: 01:02:06
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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If you‘re an exploiter I‘m going crazy

Zlata Erbanová in her youth
Zlata Erbanová in her youth
zdroj: Witness's archive

Zlata Erbanová, née Kuklová, was born in Prague on 24 October 1944. Her father was a lawyer but had to quit his job and work as a labourer after the communist coup. She completed a secondary medical school. She grew up near the Vltava embankment and attended young Václav Havel‘s pub seminars in the 1960s. She worked at the Institute of Pathological Physiology doing research into anticoagulants. Her husband was a physician and was allowed occasionally to travel abroad for congresses, but Zlata Erbanová was not allowed to go with him. She began travelling after the Velvet Revolution. She lived in Prague in 2024.