Ladislav Drahorád

* 1931

  • "Days after the liberation, Red Army soldiers were in the barracks. We were taken on horses. We flew around. I even toured the execution grounds, I got there. The shot-up stakes, there were two shot-up stakes. And then there was also... We were digging in the sand and collecting deformed bullets, bullets. We, being stupid boys, we traded it, we traded it for crap."

  • "I remember the events surrounding the executions of the citizens of Ležáky. That day we heard repeated, frequent gunshots behind the tracks, and even in the evening there was still shooting, somehow into the night. They were bringing people from Ležáky there and executing them and taking them to the crematorium to be burned. According to the citizens who lived next to our field, they said that the Germans used to light the execution grounds with cars so that they could go on and execute people from Ležáky. I also found out later from Mr Pikl's daughter - her father had a funeral service. His chauffeur drove the executed people to the crematorium and back. The daughter told me that the driver was sitting and a soldier with a flint sat next to him. He had to back up, they loaded the executed, took them away and took them out again at the crematorium. He wasn't allowed to move from the driver's seat. I didn't learn this until after the war."

  • "As we were bathing there [near the Chateau] one day, we saw a platoon of soldiers move in. We as boys, when we saw the soldiers, immediately ran to the fence, our heads between the bars. There was a line of soldiers with rifles. At that time, I saw that they were leading an older white-haired gentleman who was handcuffed there through such a passage; he was blindfolded, his hands were cuffed behind him, and they were leading him there to the hillside and tying him to a stake. As boys we watched it. Only after they tied him to the stake, a guard came and chased us into a nearby wood, chased us out."

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Železná Ruda, 21.10.2024

    délka: 01:48:33
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy regionu - HRK REG ED
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

The German occupiers built an execution site behind the game reserve fence, on a hillside with acacia trees

Ladislav Drahorád during filming, 2024
Ladislav Drahorád during filming, 2024
zdroj: Post Bellum

Ladislav Drahorád was born on 20 May 1931 to Františka and Josef Drahorád in Pardubice. The family lived in the Pardubice suburb called Familie. From an early age he was in the immediate vicinity of the so-called Zámeček, which was occupied by the Schutzpolizei after the occupation of the Czechoslovakia in 1939. They set up barracks and a training range there. After the assassination of the acting Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich in May 1942, the training range became an execution ground. Ladislav Drahorád, at the age of thirteen, saw how convicts were brought to Zámeček and executed there. After the liberation of Pardubice by the Red Army, he visited the barracks several times. After graduating from the Telegraphia apprenticeship in 1949, he entered the industrial school, from where he transferred to the State Course for Preparation of Workers for Higher Education, where he graduated within one year. He then entered the CTU. At university he joined the army and transferred to the military academy in Brno. After graduation in 1954, he worked at the Research Institute of Tank Technology in Doksy until his retirement in 1989. In 1970, he failed political vetting and was expelled from the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ). He was allowed to remain in the army, but without any possibility of career advancement. In 2024 he was living with his son in Železná Ruda.