Jan Doskočil

* 1965

  • „Pak jak říkáte, jsme tam byli za několik dnů, nebo několik týdnů možná, teď už to nevím přesně, jsme tam jeli ještě jednou. Vím, že jsme tu pomoc vyložili jednou v jakémsi dětském domově, kde teda bylo evidentní, že tu pomoc potřebujou, protože tam bylo spoustu teda těžce podvyživených dětí, a když nám ten personál toho dětskýho domova ukazoval, co jim můžou dát k jídlu, tak tam měli nějaký dva kousky chlebu a nějakej kus masa nebo salámu, nebo něčeho. Jako strašně málo prostě pro ty děti. Takže za tu pomoc, kterou jsme tam dovezli, byli vděčný a měl jsem pocit, že to skutečně jaksi byla pomoc, která stála za to a že jsme opravdu pomohli. Aktivně.“

  • “I admit it was not my idea and I even don’t remember whose it was. Back then we thought it would be good to help the Rumanians out. We presumed that Rumunia will need medical aid. I really don’t know whose idea it was, but us, the students, we thought that such a poor country will need medicine. So we began collecting them. Then we added more aid such as food, clothes and other. We started gathering it all at the medical faculty. People were coming without any issues; there was much solidarity amongst them. We handed out leaflets regarding help for Romania and in a short moment much medicine, medical material and food was collected.“

  • “In Temesvár we saw blood in the streets. When we arrived at the planned location, the rebels accommodated us in a luxury communist hotel and we heard shooting at night. At night a Romanian lieutenant came and brought two seventeen-years-old soldiers for our protection. I know they brought a box with automatic machine and ammunition. Probably in order to protect us just in case. Luckily nothing happened at all.“

  • “I got caught by surprise, when I arrived back home so in my parent´s flat there was about thirty people; many young ones even from Prague. There were many copy machines. I remember we didn’t sleep all night from Sunday to Monday printing leaflets.“

  • “The teacher came normally to the class. When he wanted to start teaching, I stood up and sent to the blackboard and asked him to leave, as we joined the strike and we refuse to be taught. That was a bit of a ado in the classroom. There were plenty of those, who got scared. Yet after a heated debate the class agreed to join the strike too.“

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I try to live so that I enjoy life and hold my own, when I will be judged once

Jan Doskočil rozhovor pro Eye Direct 2018
Jan Doskočil rozhovor pro Eye Direct 2018
zdroj: Eye Direct - Hradec Králové

Jan Doskočil was born on 25 May, 1965 in Hradec Králové as the oldest of three brothers. His father was originally chemical engineer and as a member of the Engaged non-party members´ club (KAN) he had to work in manual professions following 1968. His mother worked as a chemist in the Research Institute of Electro-Technical Ceramics. He attended the basic school and gymnasium in Hradec Králové. Following unsuccessful attempts to study geophysics, or biophysics he first worked in a geological research and later as a sanitary. Finally two years later, in 1985, he passed exams to the Medical Faculty of the Charles University in Hradci Králové. In November 1989 he joined activities of the strike committee in Hradec Králové. In December 1989 and January 1990 he realised two journeys with humanitarian aid to Romania, where a bloody revolution took place. Following the revolution he was shortly active in academic senate. Following graduation in 1992 he first started at the surgical department in a small hospital near Hradec Králové and after it was cancelled he went to health institution called Sanatorium Sanus as a plastic surgeon, where he has worked until today. Jan Doskočil lives in Hradec Králové and amongst his hobbies are mainly his family, and especially playing sports and being grandad.