"Let me get back to my joining the communist party. I really perceived it a fatal move… even the potato, the driving and the nuclear stuff… I agree with Neruda – I enjoyed all the things I did in my life! As I got several colleagues, who started in the Jilemnice gymnasium following the high school and also ended up there… You know I understand what it means to be in the factory, all the manual work and so on…"
"In February 1975 I got called to attend the regional commission of the communist party. I still remember it just like it was today, he had a phone and in the evening, when he did not come back, as he did not attend school already that day, I said kind of joking: ‚Oto, is that me?‘ Ota said: ‚Yes, it is and even Pepa Feistauer.‘ So the two of us out of the fifteen member committee were punished for that. I mainly for the fact I was the head and did not manage the anti-soviet opportunism. We were told that on the first of August 1975, to get the obligatory month of holidays, me and Josef Feistauer would get expelled from educational system due to redundancy."
"I reported in Vrchlabí, as information technology already began around 1975, the car factory was large, Kablo, Tesla, and everyone said: ‘But of course, a matematician, we would be glad to hire you‘, before they received my cadre profile resume stating I got expelled from the communist party. So in a while I received a reply starting with the words ‚Dear comrade, as we have already found a more suitable professional, we no longer count on you‘. So I actually started working on the 1st August, 1975 as a loading truck driver in ČSAD Jilemnice.“
Jaroslav Dejmek was born on 15th February, 1935 in Kruh near Jilemnice. Following the gymnasium he studied the Czech High Technical College in Prague, the field of engine engineering. He left the school in a short time though and got employed as an elementary school teacher of the 1st - 5th grade of the elementary school in Jablonec nad Jizerou. He served the basic military service in Martin in Slovakia and following the return from military he graduated at the pedagogic gymnasium. In 1958 he started studying the High school of Pedagogics and after graduation he got employed in Jilemnice. In 1968 he was expelled from the communist party as the bearer of the right-wing opportunism; in 1975 he was expelled from the educational system. For a while he had to work as a loading truck driver or a storage keeper in the potato selectionary. In 1977 he managed to find a job in the Industrial automatisation company in Trutnov and since 1982 he worked at the department of nuclear medicine in the Jilemnice hospital. After 1989 he went back to teaching as a profession. In 2017 he lived in the village of Horní Branná. Died on 18th June 2022.
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