And where will I sleep?

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Iveta Clarke was born in Brandýs nad Labem on 24 September 1963. When she was 22 years old, she went on holiday to what was Yugoslavia at the time following graduation and decided to emigrate to Austria. Despite various obstacles, she got to Vienna where artist Jan Brabenec and his wife offered her shelter. This was not the end of her emigration hardships however. Iveta had to stay at the Traiskirchen refugee camp, get married, and apply for asylum not only in Austria, but also in Canada and the USA. She was in touch with the Czech artistic community in Austria. Eventually, she and her husband, also a Czech immigrant, were allowed to leave for America in 1988, having waited for almost two years. In the United States, they both started working and had a son. After the revolution in Czechoslovakia, Iveta returned to her native country for work, eventually staying here with her son. She was living in Prague at the time of filming in 2022.