Stanislav Cibulka

* 1950

  • "I come down Bělehradská Street from the Museum to Tyl Square and I saw six ambulances parked there. There was Elektra shop, so there were six ambulances on Bělehradská Street. I was wondering what's up, and then I heard, I came to Tyl Square and there I saw that there was a barricade made from a tram, a barricade from the sausage stand, and down on I. P. Pavlova there were policemen, and they had, I won't forget this, they had a GAZ vehicle, and they had a loudspeaker about two meters high on it, and they were playing Freckled Girl, I won't forget this. It was so loud that you couldn't hear anything else, and they were shooting at the people on the barricade. I didn't know it, I was about to cross, and the guy next to me grabbed his stomach, got shot, and they immediately took him to the ambulances. So I changed my mind and I walked through Mír Square in a big circle to go home, because I lived on Tyl Square. Well, what happened in the evening was that the tanks arrived, our tanks, of course, not the Russian ones, and they tore up the barricade and behind them the policemen beat up everybody who was there in a terrible way."

  • "In 1969 there were protests again in August against the occupation. Well, I went to protest, so I experienced the beating with those batons in Wenceslas Square, those policemen, they were special forces, they had these long batons and they were throwing themselves at people, and we were screaming because they didn't care if it was an old person, anybody, it was just terrible."

  • "Somehow the trams didn't run then on 21 August 1968, so we walked from Tyl Square up here to Košíře and I had an unpleasant experience when there were tanks on the bridge at Palacký Square and for I don't know what reason, when we got close to the bridge they started shooting at the Ministry of Health. So we took cover, but somehow we got through it in the end and we made it. Well, and of course there were demonstrations in the ZPA here in the area that's there, that's the common large area between the buildings, so there were demonstrations, the director was speaking there."

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    Praha, 13.03.2024

    délka: 28:13
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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They played Freckled Girl so you couldn‘t hear them shooting people

Stanislav Cibulka in his youth
Stanislav Cibulka in his youth
zdroj: witness´s archive

Stanislav Cibulka was born on 18 March 1950 in Mariánské Lázně, but grew up in Prague‘s Vinohrady district. He trained as a galvanizer and in 1968 he started his apprenticeship at ZPA, where he worked almost all his life. On 21 August 1968, he walked to work over the Palacký Bridge and witnessed tanks firing at the Ministry of Health. A year later he took part in demonstrations on the first anniversary of the invasion. In Tyl Square he witnessed the brutal intervention of the police who shot at the protesters on the barricades. He and his wife travelled through much of the Eastern Bloc during the normalisation period. In 2024 he was living near Beroun.