Vladimíra Brůžová

* 1938

  • "I'll tell you something else about me not being fired. Basically, my former colleagues convinced my husband’s superiors that I needed to be let go. But we fell under Prague's jurisdiction. Once, we had to record the regional secretary’s speech for a ten-minute regional program. The secretary was tiny, and our reporter was a tall, lanky guy who said he couldn’t stand next to him. So he told me, ‘You’ll ask him the question!’ So I asked the question, and Comrade Secretary started speaking… he was a real camp-style speaker, and this was supposed to be a New Year’s address. He started as if he were speaking to miners. And I said to him, ‘Comrade Secretary, aren’t you from Kladno?’ And he replied, ‘From Slaný!’ And somehow, he remembered that ever since. From then on, he started speaking more properly. Some time later, there was a press conference where people from Průboj [a regional newspaper] were also present, and Zdeněk [the reporter] sent me to cover it. The dear secretary showed up and said, ‘Oh, that’s our girl from Kladno!’ And at that moment, everyone thought I was in favor. And so, I was left alone. But it was more of a joke. I’ve always taken things as more of a joke than a tragedy. I don’t like seeing things that way. - ‘How did you find topics for your reports?’- ‘Oh, in all kinds of ways. We had contacts… there were some nice things, even from newspapers. Četka [the Czech News Agency] gave us tips, and we’d give tips to Četka. We competed over who’d get it out first. We were well-known around the region, and when we had a topic, we knew where and who to go to.’ - ‘Did you have to film tendentious things?’ - ‘We did, yes, we had to film Ohlasy [Echoes], various reactions, for example, to “A Few Sentences” and things like that… I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but…’"

  • "I found out about the troops coming in while I was on vacation. We were in Machač with my daughter and my husband. And there as I got a call that just this happened, so I had to go to work, so I interrupted my leave. In the meantime, in that August, the two people from Děčín made sure that it was possible to broadcast from Buková hora, they borrowed an industrial camera from Desta and it was possible to broadcast directly from the Buková hora transmitter, so they broadcast the first day and then we joined them and we broadcast there as two crews. Normally as a free North Bohemian television. I was the newsreader! And I said, well, for four days we were broadcasting like that illegally, yeah, but we were just trying to reassure people rather than... Like, I don't know, the guys were filming on the hops, that the kids, like it was safe there, that nothing could happen, that the parents... because they were the parents calling the kids away from the summer jobs, yeah, and that would have been a disaster. So just stuff like that. Or we did the troops. For example, things were happening here, in that North Bohemian region... elsewhere too... for example, in Bílina, when they made the signposts, they made the signpost to Prague and a whole column of tanks went into the mines, into that quarry of the Bílina big mine..."

  • "Back in Mutějovice my dad taught us how to ride a motorbike, even when we were little, my brother was nine and I was eleven, but we both rode Manet. And now in Mutějovice, in Radovesice, I couldn't get used to it at all. I cried there every day, so I thought we'd run away. And I picked up my brother, I picked up my bike, I had five hundred crowns saved up and we went back to Mutějovice. And the plan was that we would just go to Louny, where they would load the motorbike on the train, because I didn't go any further. And we'll go to Mutějovice, the 12-year-old idiot... and we drove about 20 kilometers and the bike broke down and my brother started crying that he wanted to go home. So we were crying in a ditch and a man was driving by... I said, 'It´s broken!' So he questioned us. He said, 'Well, I'll fix it for you.' There was an air vent that had to be opened and closed and we forgot to close it, and that's why it wouldn't start... Well, the gentleman did start it for us, but we had to go back..." - "He made you?" - "He made me, yeah. My brother wouldn't have made it anyway, he was crying. So we went back, it hurt a bit, well."

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Ústí nad Labem, 04.03.2023

    délka: 01:42:54
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy regionu - Ústecký kraj
  • 2

    Ústí nad Labem, 12.12.2024

    délka: 09:39
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

I was a revolutionary, Baťa seemed like an exploiter

Filming a reportage in an orchard in Sulejovice, 1965
Filming a reportage in an orchard in Sulejovice, 1965
zdroj: archive of a witness

Vladimíra Brůžová comes from a mining family. She was born on 14 February 1938 in Kladno and her first memories include hiding with her family in the cellar during the air raids on nearby Kralupy nad Vltavou during the Second World War. Her father moved away for work, so for a few years she lived with her parents and younger brother in Radovesice near Bílina. However, the village had to give way to mining in 1971 and Vladimíra Brůžová still has a vivid memory of how the village with a thousand inhabitants slowly disappeared. She graduated from the Industrial Film School in Čimelice, majoring in production, and then worked for five years in film studios in Gottwaldov, today‘s Zlín. There she met her first husband, with whom she had two daughters. Due to a lack of finances, the family moved to northern Bohemia. Under the influence of the enthusiasm of the Prague Spring, the witness joined the Communist Party. Because of an article in Průboj, the regional weekly of the Communist Party, her husband lost his job and was not allowed to write under his own name. The impossibility of realizing himself and his predilection for women led to the couple‘s divorce. The witness married for the second time. She worked first at the Czechoslovak Radio in Ústí nad Labem and from 1963 as a producer in the first regional editorial office of Czechoslovak Television in Ústí nad Labem, where she remained until her retirement. In 2023 she lived in Ústí nad Labem. We were able to record her story thanks to support from the city of Ústí nad Labem.