I want to be able to look in the mirror every morning

Stáhnout obrázek
Jan Bencur was born on April 2, 1950, in Dolny Kubin- Velky Bysterec. His father was formerly an entrepreneur, but after the rise of the communist regime, he was sent to Jachymov. In 1955, Jan started studying at the gymnasium in Dolny Kubin, since 1968 he started to study Chemistry and Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava, later he specialized in zoology. In 1974, he started to work at Orava Castle as castle administrator and biologist, in 1977 he switched to Protected Landscape Area Administration Horná Orava. In 1989 he participated in Velvet Revolution in Dolny Kubin. From 1990 to 1991 Head of the District Office in Dolny Kubin. From June 1991 to 1992, State Secretary of the Interior Minister Ladislav Pittner in the government of Ján Čarnogurský. Since September 1992 Director of the District Labor Office, later appointed again as the Head of the District Office in Dolný Kubín, Personnel Deputy of Texicom in Ružomberok, and in 2002 he became Deputy Mayor of Dolný Kubín and 2004 he became Personnel Director of the Labor, Social Affairs and Family. Since 2006, Jan worked in the area of personnel consulting. He is currently retired.