František Vejr

* 1939

  • SEARCH PAST EVENTS III. RESISTANCE MOVEMENT Before we went (with Josef Busak) the first book, it seemed to me our village somehow timid. People did not know the truth. I also hard to bear, when Jaroslav Grosman received the 2008 Order of Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, the third degree from the President of the Republic and the village to take enough lukewarm. It was a further impetus to the decision to collect historical events and publish them in book form, so that people in the village know the truth, even though many said they do not believe that it will lead me. I went for it and succeeded.

  • SHAPING OF PERSONALITY I come from a family of small entrepreneurs. We had two minor trades, pub and shop. I vaguely remember some of the things which concern policy. In the pub, I lingered a bit, especially in the winter months, because it was warm. I met there the whole clientele of visitors. The times were such that I was interested in their conversations and gave me a great school. I understood that this was an important summer for my direction in life, because I became politically mature prematurely, without my realizing it. I remember two interlude of the time at school. Gottwald When he died, he did not like me, it was declared a week of mourning that I can not even go to the movies. I criticized it in words, Klemm Because we can not go to the movies' and was now in our committee. Such things were more, but one that I had long forgotten, remind me much later classmates at a class reunion, when before 1 Maje janitor brought to class on a table next to the podium two photographs, Stalin, and our president. When the teacher came to class, she wondered, and asked, what are you doing. I said, 'You have had a long hang. The teacher said, 'Well, hang them'.

  • PROJECTED KIDNAPPING PROKOP DRTINA. The first group led Jarka Grosman. Jarka transformed our people in Germany, and later was given the task by Paul Tigrid to transport across the border Prokop Drtina, a former Minister of Justice. He was confined in a hospital bed in plaster, Bulovka 'and guarded by two gunmen. Transportation by car and plane to Germany from Slaný ensure Bohumil Sleza, a former member of the ‘Tří králů’ II. resistance. Unfortunately, abduction was two hours before the event betrayed. Details of the kidnapping and transport to the aircraft city Slaný Dakota is preserved, because in addition to other members of the mallow details of conspiratorial reasons unknown to them. A Sleza enough time to flee abroad, and thus failed to find any more.

  • CHOICE APPRENTICESHIP. I attended elementary school in Roztoky u Jilemnice. At that time, there was a tendency to give as many children in agricultural schools and colleges arose because agricultural cooperatives. I avoided it and known me arrange work and trained in field turner, which I enjoyed. After about three months, he came to me and said Diblík master to stop the machine. I have already worked on three. And then I said that the district was given Jilemnice criminal complaint against the company (TOS Vrchlabí) that I employ no conversion from the district Jilemnice and it will become fine. And I was out of work. Head of Office Ms. Stehlíková work in Jilemnice insisted on taking up farming. At that time, I therefore went to Prague for the presidential office with a complaint, but it came back again to Jilemnice. Because I still refused, so she called me and said, "When you take one of these three jobs (miner, blacksmith, chemist) so your brother will go to the mechanic to Hradec." At home, I said that I take and I went to the Meziboří Litvínova lučebník the field of synthetic fuels plants for Stalin. To brother got mechanic. But when he got to Hradec, found that this is not a mechanic, but a mechanic of agricultural machines. That's how both of us got.

  • Occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968 After the occupation in August 1968, I finished one paper saying, 'Khmer brothers to drag their reservations,' and I was again out of work. I thought I only go there as I had previously refused - in agriculture. It was a paradox, but I other way to feed a family seen. We put an ad looking for a job. It was not fun, because I had enough crust. We arrived and there Hýskov we liked, they had just crispy rolls and throwing a family of gypsies barn so we took it. We were happy to have a job and we were there for 10 years.

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    Vlastivědné muzeum ve Slaném, 18.12.2012

    délka: 15:23
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Recollections of Witnesses from Slánsko and Slaný
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Khmer brothers to drag their reservations!

 Vejr František
Vejr František
zdroj: Z archivu pamětníka

František Vejr born in Roztoky u Jilemnice in 1939. His parents owned a shop in the village and a pub. Went to primary school in his hometown. After graduated lučebník synthetic fuels and medium industrial school (branch of chemical technology) in Most and Secondary Agricultural School in Rakovník. In 1961 he married. Wife Eva worked as he races in the then Stalin in Záluží Bridge. After losing his job in 1968. My wife and therefore went to Berounsko in agriculture, he as a feeder, she as milkmaid. Prior to 1989, Francis was Vejr employed in a technical capacity on Slaný in Agriculture Žižice, later in wholesale druggist. After 1989, Francis Vejr actively involved in various activities of social organizations, for example, is a member of the Association of Friends of Ruthenia, which plans to publish a book. It is an amateur scholar of history III. resistance. Own expense published his book „For what, comrades, for what?“ And contributed to the preparation and publication of the book Joseph Busak „150 years of jail.“