Pavel Vaneš

* 1963

  • "In 1975, when my father, and I may have said this here, when he had the stroke. I remember it very clearly when he was taken away by ambulance at four o'clock in the morning and nobody knew if he was coming back. Nobody knew what was wrong with him. Except my mom found him literally collapsed in a heap, collapsed, grunting, not even talking, grunting. Well, so the ambulance is taking him to Plzeň to the hospital. He was there for a few months, actually, had several head and brain surgeries. Well, like I said, he came back permanently disabled. With the regime giving him some kind of disability pension, it's more of a handout than a survival pension."

  • "I know from my dad's story that... and he didn't even want to talk about it too much, because every time he remembered it, he would start shaking like an aspen, and there's something that happens there that I don't think we can even imagine, because I know that he told me that they were beaten there so badly that they knocked the stools out of their mouths. So if you can imagine the blow you have to take to have your molars knocked out, I don't think we can imagine that. So they were put in there in such a way that they basically broke those guys mentally and physically too I guess. Well, they keep them in custody for four months. It gets dark to the court of course and the district court sends them, one of them for 18 months, three of them get a year, so 12 months in Jáchymov."

  • "It was four guys who decided to leave. Through this Mr. Kožíšek, they got to an agent who, on 26 December, two days after Christmas, in the year 51, so he leads them beyond Tachov, they got to Tachov by train, and beyond Tachov he leads them into an alley, in the evening around seven-thirty, so he leads them into this alley that is just lined with State Security officers who are dressed in border guard uniforms. They're not even border guards, they're SS. Well, there's an attempt, two of the four of them tried, my dad and another one tried to jump off into some thicket somewhere, so just a desperate attempt to get away somewhere, but of course it didn't work. So they picked them up there, put them in trucks and took them to Plzeň."

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All wars come to an end

Pavel Vaneš in 2021
Pavel Vaneš in 2021
zdroj: Stories of our neighbours

Pavel Vaneš was born on 12 April 1963 in Plzeň. His grandparents ran a confectionery, which they lost as part of the nationalization after 1948. His father, Václav Vaneš, attempted to escape to the West in 1951, but He fell victim to a State Security trap, the so-called Operation Kámen. After Václav Vaneš‘s arrest, he was tortured and subsequently sentenced to a year of forced labor in the uranium mines of Jáchymov. Upon his release, he was drafted into the military under the Auxiliary Technical Battalion (PTP). In 1975, his father suffered a stroke, leaving him permanently disabled. As a result, a significant portion of his father‘s responsibilities fell on Pavel Vaneš. He trained as a carpenter and started his own business after the Velvet Revolution. In 2021, he was living in the Plzeň region.