Hana Ťukalová

* 1940

  • "We protested against it, we signed various petitions. Then in 1969 there was the April plenum, a congress of communists, where it was agreed that it was actually all right. That nothing actually happened. And we took it away because we wrote a few more petitions that we disagree. Based on that, we had to be transferred; they did not fire us yet. Then they kicked us out of education, saying that it is not advisable for us to raise children. So we had to leave."

  • "Here, the way the track is, the way the ruts are, a train track is sunk into the valley. And the Germans drove an armoured train and took weapons to Prague. And here the Říčany citizens came to an agreement and occupied the valley to stop the train. Well, since it was known and it could happen that the train would also explode, all the windows had to be wide open, if there was a pressure wave from the explosion (because we are quite close to the track), then everything would be completely in pieces. The Říčany people stopped the train, disarmed the Germans, but of course there were also a few losses on our side, so there were memorials scattered around the valley."

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Říčany, 27.11.2018

    délka: 01:20:47
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

First of all, do not succumb to pessimism

Hana Ťukalová - ID photo from 1960s
Hana Ťukalová - ID photo from 1960s
zdroj: Archiv Hany Ťukalové

Hana Ťukalová (née Novotná) was born on October 5, 1940 in Říčany. After completing compulsory schooling at primary school in Říčany, she wanted to continue to secondary school in Prague, but as the daughter of a tradesman, she was not allowed to do so. So she graduated from secondary pedagogical school in Litoměřice, where she lived in a boarding school until she was 17 years old. After finishing high school in 1958, she joined the elementary school group in Masaryk Square in Říčany as a teacher, and a year later she started teaching 4th and 5th grade at the National School. In 1966, she successfully completed her studies at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University and got married the same year. In 1968, she was actively involved in protests against the Soviet occupation, which is why she was transferred to a school in Uhříneves in 1969. Moreover, in 1974 she had to cease education completely due to political reasons. For 10 years, she worked as a clerk in the office of the director of the Uhříněv school, in 1985 she moved to Říčany and started working in the field of medical supplies (today the company Sanitas). After the revolution, she returned as a teacher at primary school in Říčany, where she remained until her retirement. All her life, she and her husband had many friends around them, with whom they engaged in many activities and still hang out with today.