Šebestián Šulc

* 1939

  • "One day there was a breach of the state border. And Tlachač from Pardubice, from the 'špačkárna', that was the watchtower at the wire barrier, called me and said to me: 'Man, a red Puch 500 stopped there.' - It was a scooter, the Austrian Puch - 'And some people are going to the wire barrier, what should I do?' Well, I was the biggest batch, the boss was at home, I was a company supervisor, so I told him on the phone, 'What are you talking about? Don't you know, Mirek, that you have to go through an underpass and under a wire barrier? ‘- There was an entrance in a form of a water well and an underpass dug, on the other side you could climb out. - '... And bring them to the company, don't you know?' Well, he brought them to the company, I called Brno. They were young people on their honeymoon. They said they wanted to touch the wire barrier, the line. The iron curtain. Well, I had them there and colleagues from the department 66 from Brno came, the secret police, and they interrogated them. They let me watch them. When they were there alone, in the Pévéesce (a room for political interrogations), I hid the gun, so they wouldn't see it on me. The Austrian man asked me if he could turn on the radio. They had such little radio transistors. It was something unbelievable at that time for us. Then, he asked if he could light a cigarette, and I was ashamed. He suddenly said to me, 'You are Russian soldiers, you are Russian soldiers.' And I said, 'We are not Russian soldiers.' And he repeated it. And I said, 'No, we're not.' Well, I certainly didn't convince him."

  • "I see it perfectly clear... I see the bombs falling on the station. But we lived about twelve hundred meters from the station, so it was just that I saw it. But then, at a time when the situation was stabilized, the demarcation line of the so-called liberation, between General Patton's US army and the Soviet tank units that arrived on the ninth of May [May], that is, two days later. The Americans arrived in Rokycany on the seventh, and the demarcation line was at the end of the built-up area of Rokycany in the direction of Prague. Towards Borek, now there is a beautiful monument. Before, we could not say anything other than that we were liberated by the Soviet army. And my dad put me on a bike when I was six and rode with me through the area where the American troops were. I saw a training camp near Bušovice. Such a field prison camp of the Germans. I saw with my own eyes how a grandfather ran out... A group of those German young boys in uniforms were walking around there and a grandfather ran out, he ripped a plank from the fence and killed the young German man by ... Practically slamming his head with the big nail. And I saw him fall into the ditch."

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    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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The whole Rokycany went crazy about the Americans

Šebestián Šulc in the photo of that time
Šebestián Šulc in the photo of that time
zdroj: archive of the witness

Šebestián Šulc was born on August 4, 1939 in Prague, but he grew up in Rokycany, where he moved with his parents in 1942. As a six-year-old, he experienced air raids by Allied planes, the arrival of US Army units and the arrival of the Red Army shortly afterwards. He recalls how thousands of captured German soldiers were passing through the city and how he learned about the arrest of K. H. Frank from his parents. After graduating from industrial school, he started his first job briefly and then in 1958 he began to perform compulsory military service with the Znojmo Border Guard Brigade. He studied the non-commissioned officer school and for two years then guarded the border transformed into an impenetrable ‚iron curtain‘. After the military service he returned to Rokycany and got married. He worked in construction and started a successful business in the same field after 1989. Travelling became his lifelong interest. During his travel trips, he visited many countries around the world and passes on his travel experiences in the form of lectures. His travel experience was also appreciated by the famous traveler Miroslav Zikmund. He has lived in Most since 1990, where he moved after marrying his second wife. He still runs his own construction company.