Ing. Petr Rehák

* 1938

  • "Já jsem měl kolegu, který měl v Řecku syna s manželkou a dítětem, kteří utekli ze zájezdu v Jugoslávii. Zůstali v uprchlickém táboře v Řecku, chtěli tehdy do USA nebo do Holandska, kde měl provdanou sestru. A já jsem ji tam odvezl nějaké věci na zimu, měl jsem obavy, že z toho bude průšvih, když jedu na letní dovolenou a vezu svetry. Do hlášení pro Stb po návratu jsem napsal, že jsem měl poruchu na autě a kontaktoval jsem policii, což jsem skutečně udělal, abych ty lidi našel a že mě ten český lékař dělal tlumočníka."

  • "My jsme věděli jako děti, že to je dítě, které u nás nechali jacísi lidé a že se o něj budeme starat. Ono to bylo dohodnuté tak, že kdyby se náhodou Löwenbeinovi nevrátili, že my ji budeme adoptovat. Hned jsme ji začali brát jako sestru a byla vítaná, ona byla příjemné mimino, nebyla uvřískaná. Já jsem ji měl na starosti, vozil jsem ji kočárkem s sebou i na klučičí lumpárny a kolikrát jsem ji i vyklopil z kočárku."

  • "Podařilo se jim včas utéct, ukrývali se v lesích kolem Kubrice a hledali, kam se vrtnout. Žili v lese, počasí tehdy ještě bylo takové, že se dalo venku přespávat, ale se šestitýdenním miminkem to bylo náročnější. Hledali proto, kam by mohli dát svou dceru, aby se sami mohli dál ukrývat v lese. Někdo je přivedl k nám domů v noci, vysvětlili si s rodiči, co je potřeba. Mojí rodiče se dohodli s Löwenbeinovými, že tam mohou svou dceru Zitu nechat. Ona byla mimochodem v hrozném stavu. Nemohli ji pořádně omývat, a tak měla tělo posyté vředy. Její maminka ztratila mléko, takže strádala i takto. Zita u nás zůstala, rodiče ji kurýrovali, ale nakonec skončila v nemocnici na falešné jméno. To bylo dohodnuto s personálem. Jsou dvě verze, že tam byla na falešné jméno a druhá je - ale to už nikdo nezjistí - že jí dokonce vystavili nový křestní list."

  • "Ta rodina Löwenbeinových, o kterých je řeč, ti byli deportováni taky. V Trenčíně bylo sběrné centrum pro tyto Židy. Pan Löwenbein měl tehdy nějakou dílnu, ale zároveň byl přední fotbalista tamního klubu. A to jej zachránilo a do transportu nemuseli. V roce 1944 se jim narodila dcera Zita. Takto by to možná bylo až do konce války. Pak ale na podzim bylo potlačeno Slovenské národní povstání a v oblasti se začalo pohybovat více německých vojenských jednotek a začalo větší pronásledování Židů."

  • "Tatínek po přestěhování do Kubrice pracoval dál v textilu v Trenčíně, po válce dělal generální opravy textilních strojů. Po válce bylo zajímavé, že po vystěhování pohraničí zbylo mnoho textilních továren. To patřilo do lehkého průmyslu a ten měl nejrychlejší návrat investic, narozdíl od těžkého průmyslu jako jsou dole a huti. Proto se velmi investovalo do tohoto průmyslu. Ty fabriky zůstaly prázdné, takže vznikla taková celostátní akce, kdy se ty fabriky demontovaly, zřizovaly se ve vnitrozemí. Dokonce soukromníci si je tehdy ještě mohli montovat, takže tatínek toto montoval pro různé soukromníky, stroje generálkoval, nainstaloval, zapracoval obsluhu a šel zase dál. My jsme se v té době dost stěhovali, na střídačku jsem chodil do škol slovenských nebo českých a nedělalo mi to problém."

  • At that time working in the Czech Catholic Charity was a rarity. New monstrance, gilded chalices were produced, copies were made for worship objects declared as historical monuments. I was wondering what all people did. Replicas of metal ornamentation made by passers-by, hand-embroidered vestments, carvings ... In two fabrics were made vestments and church textiles. Interesting work, embroidered with golden threads. Also old and damaged things of historical value have been downloaded from the churches and replaced with exact copies. One plant was occupied by nuns, while civilian employees worked in the other. It was a small race of twenty-three people. The next race was the former Kafka race in Červený Kostelec, where carvings were made. When something was of historical value and it was damaged, it was withdrawn from the church and an exact copy was made. The guys cut it for 10 CZK per hour. My duty was to go to control races once a month. I preferred to go to the wine cellars in Kroměříž. There were housed cellars under the castle, where the wine was taught. Meat wine is made without the addition of sugar and concentrates, it is a natural quality wine. When grapes were selected, only five rows were selected from the vineyard to have sufficient sugar content. Another monastery that I was in charge of was the Broumov Hosteria, where the Czech and Moravian hosts were hell. There were nurses whose age average was 65 years. The guests were hell by hand. It was the Order of Poor School Nurses, Cantors from Early Church Schools. After the 68th year, some graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy. I worked for three years in the Czech Catholic Charity, he liked the work. I loved the people I worked with, they were immensely humble and self-sacrificing, but the salary conditions were extremely discriminatory. The state could not lawfully abolish these church enterprises. As a result, craftsmen who carried out artistic work paid ten crowns per hour, Mr. Rehák had a monthly salary of CZK 2,200 .

  • As for the Holocaust, how did we keep the girl. My dad came from Slovakia, my mother was Vienna. They met in Brno, where father and mother worked before the war. Daddy came from an agricultural family, but he was a textile worker and in Brno he was the center of the textile industry. During the war, when the Protectorate came, the parents moved to their father's birthplace in Slovakia into the village where the roads ended, there was no electricity. With the help of a family, they built a new building at the end of the village. In the 44th year, when the Slovak National Uprising broke out, there was still peace in Slovakia until then, and no German troops could be seen there. At that time he began the pogrom on the Jews. He had already begun in 42, but then perhaps then President Tiso, the Catholic pastor somehow calmed down. The Löwenbein, whom I speak of, got on the list of an economically important Jew. "This category was somehow connected with the production of the German economy. Mr. Löwenbein had a production workshop, and these Jews did not move until the rebellion. But after the rebellion, the Germans invaded Slovakia, and the Holocaust of Trancany began to come to an end, and all of them were economically important or unimportant. Löwenbein's parents learned about it in a timely manner, and the family fled. They had been hiding in the woods for some time, but with a six-week-old child they could not live in the woods long. Because my parents lived alone half a kilometer behind the village, someone brought Löwenbein to us at night. Parents agreed to leave Zita with us and they will go hide themselves. They survived in the eastern part of Slovakia in a god and a deserted place, where local cops helped to dig the earth, and they in the hole, rather than the earthworm that was a raw hole, were hiding from the autumn of 1944 until the liberation in 1945. Then in the despised they ended up in the hospital and did not come to the girl until the fall. Otherwise, it was agreed that if the war did not survive, my parents would adopt it. With her brother, we took her as a sister.

  • It has been running for years. We have lost one another's eyes. I got the idea to look for Zita, but it did not work. Interestingly, as we agreed, Zita had the same idea at the same time. But she was easier. She went to the village where we lived in the war and said they knew about it and sent it to the Mayor of Trencin Rehak. It was only a match of names, but he knew I had a sister in Trencin. His father was widowed, married for the second time, and had a daughter, and the mayor sent her. Sister Zita gave me a phone number. So while I was looking for her for a year, Zita found me in fourteen days. I also wrote on a TV show, A Moment For Theory. 'When Zita called, I thought she was calling from this show, but it was just a time match.

  • My wife was born to her father Karel Krisl, he came from Slaný. Her grandfather, Karel Krisl, worked here and taught at the agricultural school. Born in Slaný December 15, 1885. He was a pomologist, he wrote in the field. He was also a Sokol official. My wife loved to ride, she loved grandparents. I like them too. Grandfather was a very wise man, at the age of eighty he was still studying professional magazines. He had two sons. Karel to be the wife of her father and George. They both died. Charles had two children, wife and son, and George was childless. Five years ago I lost my wife and daughter. Both are buried here, my wife wished, so I'm going to the cemetery here. That's my bond with Slaný.

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The“Law and Order deserved not only parents, but the whole village, which was

Petr Rehák při ukončení studia na Univerzitě třetího věku
Petr Rehák při ukončení studia na Univerzitě třetího věku
zdroj: od pamětníka

  Peter Rehák was born 5. 6. 1938 in Brno. Highest level of education is Engineer of CTU in Prague. After graduation, he was employed in a short time in Zbrojovka Brno, ČKD Praha, where he was forced to leave in 1968 after kádrových interviews. 3 years in the Czech Catholic charity, where he went to, where he worked until after 89 health privatizovalo. After retirement to 70 years in the firm of Arion. In the second world war war family of Kubrica Rehákových in Slovakia. Parents hiding Jewish girl - infants whose parents were deported to the concentration camp. Rehákovi in 2013 were posthumously honored the highest Jed and your the“ Law and Order.“ With Jewish girl Zitou Lövenbainovou Peter Rehák still friends.