We played for the people we wanted to play for

Stáhnout obrázek
Ivo Pospíšil was born on July 13, 1952 in Prague. He spent most of his childhood in his grandfather‘s house in nearby Klukovice. He moved to the city only when he commenced his studies at the vocational school of the Chirana company in Libeň. That’s when he and his mother moved to an inherited studio apartment in Pankrác. After seeing a poster one day, he headed to Pavel Zajíček‘s disco, and later became friends with him. Over the next two years, they played records, which Pavel obtained from his cousin in England, together in public. During his compulsory military service, Ivo got to know the people connected to the band The Plastic People of the Universe, which, thanks to him, started to rehearse in a pub in Klukovice run by his mother. After returning to civilian life, he naturally became a part of the underground subculture. Later, as a new producer of the Plastics, he also started working in an independent project of Mejla Hlavsa and Pavel Zajicek called DG 307. However, he was fired after a few years. As a result of this event, in the second half of the seventies he devoted himself more to playing bass in the rock and roll band The Old Teenagers and began to move away from the second culture. In 1979, he was behind the formation of the first line-up of Garáž, a band whose sound was then heavily influenced by the English punk wave. After a concert at the football stadium in Lipenice, he was summoned to the first State Security interrogation, which then continued in connection with his musical activities until the end of the 1980s. At that time, Ivo became the manager of Hlavsa‘s new band Půlnoc, with which he toured the USA before the fall of the Iron Curtain. After the revolution, he started working as a music entrepreneur. He co-founded the Radost cooperative and then the Radost FX music club and shop. In the last decade he has been active on the domestic scene as Tea Jay Ivo, playing the rock and roll music that influenced him.