Dagmar Podubecká

* 1926

  • “It was terrible with Judaism because I lost all my family, I couldn't go to school or choose a profession. It was terrible, but even worse was Communism, because it took so long and I couldn't see the end. I had such dreams in the daytime, like a plane coming in, parking in the field, and I run wearing my nightgown, get on and leave. All the emigrants had dreams that someone was after us, that someone was chasing us. All immigrants had such dreams about being chased. Some dreamt like that for some fifteen years. All the emigrants had these dreams, even my son. It seemed to me that I was in a kind of dark cellar with some guys behind me and I was running and running, and then I woke up all sweaty. And all the emigrants I asked these dreams were in some way.”

  • “Mom would have to wear a star. She was pretty and liked to dress nicely and had to excel everywhere. She would not survive wearing a star, so she preferred not to go anywhere and was locked at home for four years. Her nerves took away badly and mom was never normal again. Her sister reproached her, somehow, she didn't understand, but I understood she was no longer normal. It is not easy to stay closed somewhere when you were used to being the center of attention.”

  • “We moved to Prague, where I went to Eliška Krásnohorská high school. I learned well and had good grades. In the sixth grade the headmaster called me and said he was sorry, but that I could only go to school until the end of the year and then I had to leave it. The nurse also had to quit. She attended secondary school in Vyšehrad. Then nobody cared about us, because mommy couldn't get out. She was locked in a villa in Řevnice. She couldn't cook, she couldn't do anything, because she could only play the piano and was spoiled, and suddenly we didn't have the staff. So nobody cared about us and we were doing badly at that time.”

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    Olomouc, 18.04.2018

    délka: 02:13:41
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of the region - Central Moravia
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I dreamed that the plane would arrive, park in the field, and I would run, get in and leave wearing my nightgown

Dagmar Podubecká was born on April 25, 1926 in Hranice as the older of two daughters to her parents Marta and František Brož. The parents were of different nationalities. His father had Czech and his mother Jewish ancestors. František Brož was a composer and then also the first director of the Municipal Music School in Hranice. Marta Brožová taught piano at the same school. They were important and affluent families in the city. However, due to anti-Jewish laws, the family moved from Hranice to Prague in 1940. His mother was hiding in a family villa in Revnice for four years. Miraculously, she avoided the unwanted attention of the Nazi authorities, but the vast majority of her family was murdered by the Nazis in concentration camps. Dagmar was expelled from the grammar school due to half Jewish origin and her pregnancy saved her from being deployed in a labour camp. Shortly after World War II Dagmar married and lived with her husband‘s family on a large farm in Lety near Prague. During the collectivization they lost their farm, which damaged health and subsequently cost the life of her father-in-law. In 1967, Dagmar and her son Tomáš emigrated to the Federal Republic of Germany and Czechoslovakia, and later the Czech Republic never returned permanently. In 2018 she lived in Munich, the capital of Bavaria.