Blažena Plesarová

* 1929

  • "All I know is that it was nationalized, and that's all I cared about. I had a job under my arm and that's all... We had a couple of these problems there, one guy was stealing from us. Then they put a Polish girl in there, but I guess I was guilty of that. They put her there in the morning, and we took our paychecks at noon. We were used to, because nobody stole anything from us there, that we had carts, we put yarn in it. I needed to run to the scale, so I had my paycheck in my pocket. So I wouldn't lose it, so I put it on the cart too, and I threw my bag on top of it and went to the scale. And all of a sudden, we're looking at this nice little snapper already grabbing at it. And that was two paychecks in a row. So I turned around and ran back and gave him such a wipe that he fell back into the cart. And he was screaming, 'Not me, not me!' And I said no, too, and get out."

  • "We were sometimes lucky to put female apprentices in. So they put them on us. We used to swear because it was so that you had to babysit the apprentice and keep an eye on her so that she didn't stick her hand in somewhere. Because it bruised her like few things do, that her fingers were blue."

  • "We used to go up to the square. In Březno they had kitchens on the square and the soldiers always ate there, some didn't want it, so they didn't even give it to them. And we could come to that and get food so it wouldn't be thrown away. So they gave it to the people at our place, not only to us, there were a lot of us. So we used to go there to get food. So we, as we personally, didn't miss the food in the war in any way. Because there were a lot of us kids, so we got it for free."

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    Frýdlant, 28.03.2024

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    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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I liked it in Juta, I worked there for fifty-two years

Blažena Plesarová in her youth
Blažena Plesarová in her youth
zdroj: Archive of the witness

Blažena Plesarová was born on 21 October 1929 in Březno. She came from twins and was born prematurely, the family had to warm the premature baby in the oven. She had ten siblings and was born fifth in line. She lived with her family on a farm in Březno, Central Bohemia. During the war, German soldiers lived on the farm and gave the children food and sometimes took them on horseback. At the end of the war, the witness experienced the bombing of Mladá Boleslav. After the war, the Plesars bought a house in the border area left by the Sudeten Germans and moved to Pertolice. Her parents started farming in the border area and Blažena Plesarová joined the Juta textile factory. She worked in Juta from 1947 until her retirement in 1999. She worked as a spinner in Juta. She never married and lived in a house with her lifelong friend Ilza. In 2024, she was living in Poustka.