Anna Marešová, roz. Kumpoštová

* 1940

  • „I also worked in a factory in construction, my husband in economic department. Once he worked as an organisation officer of a director. When Firbach left, so there were various changes. Then 1968 came and what to say... Finally my husband became an economic deputy. In 1973 a director was Ing. Šíbl. I have no documents of proof in hands, but I know that Ing. Šíbl forced my husband to falsify the results in a factory. My husband of course refused to do it. 1st November, 1973 there was a meeting at a director, where a director strongly asked my husband to fulfil the task. And he said no again. And the director fired him from the meeting with a terrible shouting. On 1st of November he did not return from work...“

  • „In 1963 we came here to Rotava. We went shopping to Kraslice by bus, as of course we had no car at the time. We needed to buy some small items. We got off in Kraslice and walked across the square where they spoke just German. And I told him: ‚See, Milan, aren´t we in Klingenthal?‘ He said: ‚No, these are Kraslice, do not worry.‘ Then a migration wave came in 1967, 1968, 1969 and even 1970. People were moving out. Lots of people left Kraslice. Tons of people left. Even from Rotava people were still leaving.“

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    Horní Rotava - domácnost pamětnice, 20.02.2015

    délka: 02:12:36
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

I believe once I shall learn the truth

Witness´ graduation photo, Nové Město nad Metují, 1958
Witness´ graduation photo, Nové Město nad Metují, 1958
zdroj: archiv pamětnice

Anna Marešová, née Kumpoštová, was born on 30 March 1940 in Rychnov nad Kněžnou to Emilie and František Kumpoštový. In 1951 her father tragically died. She created a very strong relation with her mother and they lived together all their life. In 1958 she graduated at the industry school and the next year married Milan Mareš, with whom she had two children. Due to agitation of Škoda Rotava they moved to Rotava in 1963 and both began working in a factory. The husband of a witness held high positions in economic department and tragically died in 1973 in unexplained circumstances. The witness devoted herself to intense gathering intelligence regarding her husband´s death, which marked all her life. She remained loyal to Škoda Rotava until retirement. She still lives in Rotava.