"In addition to the agreements of the Polish and Soviet governments, our family was also forced to leave due to the hostility of Korytniki’s Polish residents [to our family]. We could not take anything with us when we were leaving our farm. In our church, our Ukrainian priest would during the service warn the parishioners of the upcoming removal. He offered help to those who agreed to leave voluntarily when it was still possible to take your belongings and food with you. However, most of the Ukrainian residents of Korytniki were reluctant to move, even after our priests left the church and departed for the Soviet Union. In the last days before our departure, the Polish killed my grandfather and they were sneering at us above his dead body. Some Polish people, residents of our village, were aggressive towards us. Though there were also Polish people who felt sorry for us and tried to help us during our displacement."
Lutsenko (Pupko) Maria Ivanivna. Born on 15th March, 1932, in the village of Korytniki, Przemyśl County; Ukrainian; of Greek Catholic denomination. After the war, her family was relocated to the village of Kozaki in Ukraine where she has been residing ever since.
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