It was my wish to be a paratrooper

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Karel Ladýř was born on 3 November 1950 in Kolín. He spent his childhood with his parents and his older brother Josef in Kouřim - Molitorov. His father Josef Ladýř worked in the local brickyard, his mother Marie, née Bohatová, helped out there. As a boy he started a band with his friends in Kouřim, they played at parties. He trained at the engineering apprenticeship in Nymburk. He spent 21 August 1968 in Kolín and Kouřim, where he and his friends built barricades for tanks. In 1969 he enlisted in the army. He went through the compulsory one-year parachute training in Svazarm Kolín, then enlisted in Prešov, from there to the depth reconnaissance company in the U Sloupů barracks in Vimperk. During the summer parachute camps in Chrudim, he took his instructor‘s exams. He spent five years in the army as a long-serviceman. During his service, he dropped thousands of soldiers out of planes. In 1976 he married and left the army to join the police, then the Public Security Service, in Prachatice. He raised two children and Šumava became his home. From 1981 he worked in the consumer cooperative Jednota Vimperk and in the national enterprise Jitona Prachatice. In the 1990s he tried his hand at entrepreneurship. Before he retired, he worked as a driver in road transport. In 2023 he lived in Svatá Maří.