Ing. Ladislav Kýr

* 1941

  • "I wanted to go to the sea again for my next vacations, but I had to ask the authorities for permission to leave. There I was meat with a negative response. They said, 'How do you imagine things to be? We have comrades here who have fellow comrades there from the resistance period, and they are not going to Poland. And you who were there only last year want to go again! Rejected!' Rejected, and it used to be a more or less allied country."

  • "I went to the radio and held a short speech in Polish, a slightly broken Polish, addressed to the Polish soldiers. It was a call to the sons of great freedom fighters not to allow themselves to be used to suppress the freedom of others. I said something along those lines."

  • "That uncle had a lot of problems with the authorities and everything because he was refusing to join the agricultural cooperative. He was assigned a so-called forced lease, on fields that were not exactly the best. His children were not allowed to learn, let alone study. His daughters, that is, my cousins, were forced to live in that village, they were not allowed to study anywhere, even if they wanted to. They couldn't even go to Ostrava, which was the preferred place at the time and a lot of people flocked there, so they couldn't even go there to work."

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    Praha, 05.05.2023

    délka: 01:50:45
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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„He is such an expert in his field that he doesn‘t even have to be in the party,“ was said about some

A young Ladislav Kýr
A young Ladislav Kýr
zdroj: pamětník

Ladislav Kýr was born on May 1, 1941 in Plumlov to the family of František Kýr, a teacher at the municipal school in Plumlov, and his wife Marie. He grew up with his brother and sister. After the war, his relatives from Krumsín in Haná were hit hard by the collectivization of agriculture. After graduating from the municipal school in Plumlov and a grammar school in Prostějov, Ladislav studied electrical engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague and completed a one-month internship in Poland. He then joined the Škoda Works in Pilsen, where he worked in the electrical equipment development department and was the head of the laboratory there. He organized trips to Hungary and Poland in the company. In Pilsen, he witnessed the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968, and on the Pilsen radio, he delivered a call in Polish to Polish soldiers not to allow themselves to be used to suppress the freedom of others. The political checks of employees at the beginning of the normalization period did not affect him negatively, although he expressed himself relatively freely. In 1992, he moved to Prague with his family and was later sent to the USA, where he participated in the introduction of new types of trolleybuses in the cities of Dighton and San Francisco. He spent six years in the USA. After his return, he worked at the Prague company INECON until 2021. He raised two daughters with his wife Marcela Kýrová. In 2023 he lived in Prague.