We were all Croats at home, but we had to speak Czech to our children

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Mr. Josef Kusmič was born in 1929 in Nový Přerov, a Croatian village in southern Moravia. He was the youngest of four brothers, his sister Marie was born during the war. The family spoke Croatian at home, Josef attended Czech schools and then, after the takeover of the Sudetenland, continued in German schools. After his two brothers and the father had to join the German army, he became responsible for the entire household. When the war was drawing to an end and the front passed through Přerov, the Kusmič family house burnt down completely. In 1948 the Kusmičs were displaced to Huzová in the Jeseníky Mountains as one of the first Croatian families. He worked in agriculture there - this is also where his love for horses stems from. He spent his military service in the Auxiliary Technical Battalions. His wife Anna Šalamunová is a Croat from Frélichov. At present both live in Šternberk and they speak Croatian extremely well; they however had to speak Czech to their children.