Jana Havlíková

* 1947

  • "There were screenings, and people's opinions were being examined. Well, of course, I had to go through one of these screenings, and the panel consisted of the director, Mr. Kýr, the head doctor as the director of the medical department, and Mr. Jahelka, who was a gardener but also the chairman of the Communist Party. So, these three were there, questioning me, and I had to defend myself in some way. I wasn’t a Party member—it was just because of my position. Most of the questions were completely harmless, but one of them was whether I agreed with the entry of the troops. And I said that I didn’t agree. At that moment, Jahelka tried to argue with me, bringing up this and that. But I told him, ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.’ Well, then they tried to change the subject because, of course, Kýr, the technical director, and the head doctor—they were people who knew what was going on."

  • "It was decided that this area, just the upper villages, which were predominantly German and were actually displaced after the war. Most of the people from there had been displaced because they were German families, and that there was an airfield nearby and that it was such a suitable area, a plateau, kind of an upland.. So they decided to turn it into a training area, so even the people who were then, the Czechs, the new settlers, then had to leave as well, so we also had to leave Holičky, even though there was no training there afterwards. So from my family, my grandfather and grandmother and my aunt and Lizbeth went to Mladá Boleslav or got an offer to Mladá Boleslav. There was a school there and a farm, an agricultural high school, so they went to that farm. And my dad and my mom and actually already with me, we went to the next village, Náhlov, because there were also displaced and people left, so there were empty houses there."

  • "My dad came there, my dad from Pilsen region as a soldier, because there were horses there. That was horse breeding, there were horses everywhere in those Hartig yards. And my mother worked in that yard. They met there, they fell in love, even though my mom practically didn't speak Czech and my dad was Czech. So they started dating. They applied for marriage and there was just a dispensation, they weren't allowed there of course because my mom was German, my dad was Czech, so those applications weren't allowed, but in the meantime I was born and that was in '47."

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Dad hissed at us not to speak German

Jana Havliková, 1949
Jana Havliková, 1949
zdroj: Archive of the witness

Jana Havlíková, née Čermáková, was born on 18 September 1947 in Holičky near Osečná. Her mother was German and her father Czech, which prevented them from marrying each other for several years after the war. In 1948 the family had to move from Holičky because the Ralsko military training area was built there. They lived in nearby Náhlov and later in Mimoň. Jana Havlíková graduated from high school and then worked at the spa in Kundratice. During the vetting process she refused to agree to the entry of Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968, but she was not fired from her job. After maternity leave, she joined Mitop in Mimoň in 1974 and in the 1990s, thanks to her knowledge of languages, she worked in foreign trade. In 2024 she lived in Ralsko.