There was no need for a better school than that of Kemény‘s

Stáhnout obrázek
Gábor Havas‘s father, Endre Havas worked together with Mihály Károlyi, the prime minister of the First Hungarian Republic, in exile in London and Paris. He returned to Hungary in 1949 and was arrested on trumped up charges. He was beaten to death in prison in 1953. Gábor was born on 14, October, 1944 in London. He earned a degree in Hungarian language, literture and adult education in 1967. Then he worked as an adult educator and later as a secondary school teacher. From 1971 onwards he is a member of the sociology research team led by István Kemény. Between 1973-1990 he is a full time academic fellow of sociology at the Institute of Adult Education, his main areas being rural poverty and the lifestyle of the Roma. Moreover, he established a network of amateur theatre. From 1982 onwards, he was the leading fellow of the film directory program entitled The shifting lifestyle of peasants‘. He was a member of the democratic opposition from the very start. In 1979 he was one of the founders of SZETA, from 1986 and 1990 onwards he is the editor of the samizdat Beszélő and the Beszélő weekly, respectively. He was the editor-in-chief of the latter between 1994-95.In the first Parliament he was the MP of the liberal party. Between 1995-99 he was a lecturer at the János Wesley Pastor Training College, Budapest. In 1995 he also started working as a research fellow at the Institute of Sociology of MTA. In collaboration with István Kemény and Ilona Liskó, he was conducting research on the situation of severely disadvantaged and Roma children in education. From 2001 until his retirement in 2008 he was the Director of Studies at the Romaversitas Foundation.