We searched for my brother for a year without knowing if he was still alive

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Libuše Fialová, née Zmrhalová, was born on September 12, 1930, in the village of Kynice in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. Growing up in a Catholic family that farmed on almost 20 hectares of land, she was involved in household chores from an early age. She attended school in neighbouring Číhošť and worked on her parents‘ farm from the age of 14. On December 11, 1949, the witness participated in the Sunday Mass in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Číhošť, during which the altar cross mysteriously tilted. The eldest brother Jan studied at the theological seminary in Hradec Králové from 1947, and after the arrival of Father Josef Toufar in Číhošť, they maintained a correspondence. A few days after the abduction of priest Josef Toufar, Jan was arrested by State Security in the priest‘s seminary. The family had no news of his imprisonment. He was held in Valdice and Ruzyně for almost a year without an enacted trial and returned home before Christmas Day 1951. He became a significant witness to the brutal torture of priest Josef Toufar. After his release, he never returned to theology studies. At the same time, the family also experienced persecution associated with the collectivisation of agriculture. The witness got married in 1952, and two years later, she and her husband moved first to Křivsoudov, then to Jiřice and finally to Humpolec. She worked at the Sukno textile company until her retirement. She celebrated her 90th birthday in September 2020. At the time of filming (April 2022), she lived in Humpolec.