The grenade tore dad‘s lungs. I prayed for him to die

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Libuše Durdová was born Knapíková on March 17, 1928 in Vrbice. Back then it was an independent village, since the 1970s it belonged to Bohumín. She grew up in the Vrbice mining colony. The parents claimed Czech nationality. After the Polish occupation of Těšín area in October 1938, she went to a Polish school. From September 1939, when the area was occupied by Germany, she had to attend a German school. Between 1943 and 1945, she worked in the wire factory in Bohumín. She intensively experienced the first American bombing of Ostrava and Bohumín in August 1944. Her father died just before the liberation by the Red Army on May 1, 1945, as a result of grenade shrapnel injuries. After the war, she worked again as a worker in a wire factory. She got married and had a son. She worked as a shop assistant in drugstores and groceries. In 2022, she lived in Bohumín.