Life can change our journey, but not our goals
Vincent Dorník was born on April 29, 1929 in the village of Lúčky. He attended elementary school in Lúčky and the Grammar School of Andrej Hlinka in Ružomberok. In 1948 he enrolled at a study into theological seminary in Spišská Kapitula. After the state´s intervention against churches, he was forced to leave his studies. In 1950 he was called to join the correctional military service in Auxiliary Technical Battalions (PTP). He was assigned to the heaviest manual terrain works and for 11 months he worked in the Mine of Antonín Zápotocký in Orlová. In 1953, after more than three years of the military service, he was released to civilian life. He worked at the District Construction Company of Ružomberok. Between years 1964 - 1968, during the times of political thaw he finished his theological studies at the Roman-Catholic Theological Faculty of Cyril and Methodius in Bratislava. In later years he worked as a priest in parishes of Veľké Borové, Chmeľnica, Lisková, and Malatiná. In the present he performs spiritual ministry as retired priest in his native village of Lúčky.