Less conformist artists had problems. And maybe that‘s why they produced better stuff
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Pavel Cisovský was born on 24 October 1943 in Vratimov. He spent his childhood in the center of Ostrava. His father was a clerk in the Vítkovice Ironworks, his mother worked in the town slaughterhouse. He graduated from high school in Ostrava. At the age of seventeen he began to play amateur theater. He wanted to continue his studies, but the school did not provide him recommendations. After two years in operation of Vítkovice Ironworks he was admitted to the Faculty of Pedagogics in Ostrava. He joined the student theater. However, he did not study physical education and Czech due to cadre reasons. After two years of military service with the crew at the airport Mošnov near Ostrava he remained in the army as a civilian employee. He organized the cultural activities of the soldiers at the airport club there. After 1968 he had to leave because he refused to recognize the occupation of Warsaw Pact troops as fraternal assistance. For about fifteen years he worked at the Municipal Cultural Center in Ostrava as a methodologist for theater and literature and at the same time worked as a director in amateur ensembles. Since the mid-1980s he was a dramaturge and director of the Ostrava Theater of Music, where he founded the award-winning drama company Arena Chamber Theater.