Olga Čiperová

* 1926

  • “We got a message that we can bring a package for out aunt Krista, some personal stuff. So together with my cousin, who could speak a very good German, and I could not, we went to the Petschkov palace with a package. When we arrived, they made us stand with our foreheads towards the wall. We had to place the package behind us and they gave us Krista´s personal stuff. They were so blood stained, a real mess... this way they destroyed the whole family.”

  • “The sixteenth armoured division led by the general Harmon. He arrived and placed the four Shermans, the tanks, right on the square and I greeted them. Back then I wore in our traditional costume from Kyjov region, we offered them bread and salt and they just stared at it like they never seen anything like that. Only when they got a cognac, everything was all right and they knew what it was all about.”

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They shot him in front of my eyes

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Olga Čiperová
zdroj: Archiv pamětnice, Jana Boušová

Olga Čiperová was born on 1 January, 1926 in Manětín. She remembers announcement of mobilisation and the beginning of WW2. From Manětín the Jews were gradually missing, but the witness´ family was largely influenced by the assassination of Heydrich in 1942. The gestapo gradually imprisoned the whole family of her aunt, whose husband was multiplying coded messages using his printer. Not only a year old girl was left behind them, which the Germans took to an unknown place and a package of blood-stained stuff of her aunt Krista, which Olga Čiperová together with her cousin got in Petschkov palace in Prague. At the end of was the witness worked as the head of an improvised medical centre in Manětín, where they tried to save malnutritioned refugees from concentration camps. She had an experience with American soldiers who liberated Manětín, as well as the Russians, who took their positions after moving of the demarcation line. In front of her eyes they shot a wounded man, who tried to save his mother from stealing soldiers and suffered from a bullet hole of both his hands waiting to be transferred to a hospital in Pilsen. Olga Čiperová with her family was persecuted even during communism due to her brother in law, who emigrated to the United States of America. With her husband they were thrown out of their jobs and had a bad cadre reports. In 2013 Olga Čiperová lives in Pilsen.