Marie Charvátová

* 1953

  • "When I was fifteen, that was on the twenty-first of August [1968], I remember it exactly, because every teenager sleeps until ten, eleven, so we were sleeping with my brother at home. At our place, the bus came to Čejkov, and my mother got off, carrying about three loaves of bread with her, because they already knew from the morning that the Russians had come. They had lived through the war, so the first thing was to get bread, we had potatoes at home, and they ran to the local shop to see if they could sell them a bag of sugar and a bag of flour, that's how it used to be, during the war. They were trying, that's how we felt. Then I was at grammar school, I know that when Jan Palach burned himself, I was in the first yeat at grammar school, that we participated in demonstrations."

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Pelhřimov, 27.04.2023

    délka: 20:42
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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I relied on myself

Marie Charvátová
Marie Charvátová
zdroj: Witness´s archive

Marie Charvátová, née Kučerová, was born on 17 May 1953 in Pelhřimov. She grew up with her parents and brother in Čejkov in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. She attended primary school in Nový Rychnov. After successful grammar school studies in Pelhřimov, she graduated from the Faculty of Education with a major in geography - mathematics. She returned to the primary school in Rychnov, but as a teacher. She stayed there all her life, from 1990 until her retirement as headmistress. But even later she occasionally helped out here. She brought up two children. In 2023 she was living in Pelhřimov.