"I was in a neighboring village, I went there. And later, after the Divine Service, it was said: "War broke out." What was the first impression? The first impression was, somehow God ruled, they came, I told the people: "People, I beg you, don’t do harm to one another, and for God’s sake, do not stain your hands with blood of your brother or sister. To avoid the situation when the Lord asked, as he asked Cain: "Cain, where is your brother Abel?" I ask you all, but especially fathers and mothers, take care of your children not to allow them to do stupid things."
“UGGC enriched because it showed that it was really the Church of Christ. There were many priests, who signed to Orthodoxy. Some may not have signed themselves, maybe somebody else signed for them, it was another matter. But there were many who went to Siberia, suffered, and were ready to do everything, but not to leave their faith ... And it was very impressive that even ordinary people, workers, peasants, were not afraid to ask a priest to come and to baptize children or give marriages, or just celebrate the service. In fact, to strengthen themselves. All knew that no matter how difficult it was, and it would become better and freedom would come. And when it comes, whether in our lifetime, or later - we did not know. And still believed that the time would come when the Church and Ukraine would get more freedom, and it would be possible not only to celebrate the sermons in one’s homes, but also in the churches as it used to be before.”
"I say," Yes, I ask Fathers, general vicar asked, to convoke the council, I called him. I do not know the regulations and I ask the general vicar to say ". Then he stands up, Father Doctor Mykhailo Melnyk, and says: "You know, times have changed. Right after Easter (1945) I was called to Lviv and said to sign to Orthodoxy. I refused, and they said I would not get out of here until I sign. If I don’t sign, I will not get out. Then Father Doctor Kostelnyk came to me and said that it was for the good of our Church. I agreed and I signed up, I gave a statement to the Orthodox Church that I join “Iniciative Team” of reunification with the Orthodox Church. I did so... "
"- What instructions can you give to young priests who are just beginning their pastoral work?
-I have this instruction for young priests: that they would be real God servants. I want them to set the salvation of one’s soul higher, to care also about the salvation of other people’s soul, to try to be God's children, and also children of their native people, to work for God’s will, and for that.
Personally, I am for that the priests got married, but that they raise not only one-two children, but had as it used to be before. One priest was working with me, he had nine children. One was my friend, Father Zastavnyk, he had eight children. Also the other friend, Father Lytvyn, he also had eight children. First, intelligentsia will grow in quantity. What will he leave to the children? He can only give them education. And we need education, it is very necessary. But despite all that they need to be God’s servants. That they care for salvation of their souls and people souls. That they will not sway, not serve two Popes, become God’s servants. And if you have already taken the burden, so that you need to carry it easily and hope for God’s Reward. And besides that he will have great services for his people. To care for salvation - is not only to baptize, give marriage, or something like that ,it is to bring up not only by words but by own example. He had to show how people should live, how they should act.
My life comes to the end. I have never regretted that I chose this way. I do not know what is the end, but I know for sure what what St. Paul said: "I have fought a good fight, I led a good fight. I finished my life, kept the faith. And finally, I know that I am prepared a crown of glory. " God's reward will come. There will be some memory among the people that they have fought, suffered. As Shevchenko said: "I suffer, get tormented, but I don’t repent." This is the most important thing to bring up to let him know that God’s will exist. And one more thing, not to be materialistic."
"I say," I ask Fathers, please give me a word to say. " - "Please." So the way I said, "You know, I ask Fathers, we listened to the appeal and the words of our Father Dean. But we still have to reckon with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said: "You did not choose me, but I chose you and I sent you to go and to bring fruits, and your fruit will stay with you." So you will teach and work. So if you work – you will have a reward from God, but also the merit of the people. And in another place it resonates with the words of St. Paul, "Don’t hold your hands to anyone too soon, not to become a member of somebody else’s sins."
"He died in Kiev. Before he was a bishop, he had pneumonia for three times. And when he was arrested in 1947, it was already November, it was cold in the barracks, and he had pneumonia already three times and had got pneumonia again. He knew that he would die. Family visited him.
There were Sisters at Artem Street, 44, Sisters of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. There, our priests got to know them, and they knew about our bishop, and they brought him to eat. They brought something, took care a bit: washed, helped. Mother General said that she was called by the KGB, and they forbid it. They said that he was a bandit. And she said: "I do not know if he is a bandit, I just know that he is an old sick man who is in need, and we must help him. I have not decided it myself. We gathered our whole congregation, and we decided. As so, punish us. «And he said, "Go, go ..." And he said: "He has not spoken to us, we came" ...
Later I was in 1962 in Kiev. I already knew the address of these Sisters, I came to them and wanted to know more about the grave of Bishop Kotsylovs'kyj, about his last minutes of life, as he lived, where was buried ... And then they told, how Bishop fell ill, and gave his cloak to them. He knew that would die, he handed it and died. I later got to know that he was buried in a common grave in the suburbs of Kyiv suburb, called Chapayivka ... " (Owing to the efforts of Father Mykola Tsaryk and Sisters of Intercession Orthodox Monastery in Kiev, a cross was put on the grave of Bishop Josaphat Kotsylovs'kyy)."
Mykola Tsaryk was born on March 20, 1912 in the village Sulymiv, Zhovkva district of Lviv region in a big family of husbandmen. He went to school in 1919 in the village Sulymiv, and in 1923 he successfully passed the entrance exams to Academic Gymnasium in Lviv. He graduated from Gymnasium in 1931. After taking his final exams he wanted to enter the theological seminary in Lviv, but his village, Sulymiv belonged to Przemysl diocese, so he had no right to study at the Lviv seminary. At that time he entered the Lviv University, Department of Greek and Latin languages, and after a year of studies, in 1932, he entered the theological seminary in Przemysl. In a year he was sent to study in Rome.During the studies in Rome, in 1936, he received predeacon ordination, in 1937 - deacon ordination, and in 1938 - priestly ordination from the hands of Bishop Oleksandr Yevreyinov.In Rome in 1939 he defended his PhD in theology. Then he returned home. At the end of September in 1939 he was appointed as a „vicar“ in the village Lazy near Yaroslav, and two months later was sent to the village Dmytrovychi, Mostyskyy district. Local authorities were hostile to the Father. In 1941 Father Mykola was transferred to village Bolehivtsi near Drohobych, and in 1943 - to Dobromyl. In 1945 he was a member of Dobromyl decanal council. He refused to sign to Orthodoxy in 1946. After that he returned to his native village. During the underground times of the UGCC, Father Mykola celebrated the services secretly. During 1950-1972 he worked as an accountant in the department of disinfection in Zaliznychnyy and Leninsky districts of Lviv. He was often persecuted by authorities. He died on 23 November 1998.
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